Sunday, December 24, 2017

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I woke up at 7:30, got ready for church, then headed to church. At church, I practiced the two songs, It Came Upon A Midnight Clear and Guide Us To Amazing Grace, the whole hour. My mom practiced for about half that, before she went to make copies of the music we were singing, because some of the binders were missing it.

Once practice was over, we went to sit with the rest of the family (the Keele's stayed home to take care of pups). We did opening exercises (prayer, opening song, announcements), then we did sacrament, and after, we did our Christmas Program. First there was a special musical numbers played by two sisters in the ward, who both play the French Horn. Then the primary sang Away In A Manger and one other song, but I don't know the name of it.

After them, the Spanish choir went up and sang Far Away In Judea's Plains, then we had a speaker. After the first speaker, the choir went up and sand the first song, ICUAMC. Then we had another speaker. After him, we sang the last song, GUTAG, then we sang the closing song, Silent Night, had closing prayer, then started to head home.

Now, before I continue, I have to say something. There is this little boy in our ward. His dad used to be my seminary teacher (my favorite one, to be exact). I made friends with him, and every time I see him, I'll ask for a hug. He had a little brother a couple of years ago, who used to like me when I held him, but just speed one day. Now he's got a baby sister, who is adorable, by the way. Back to the point, I saw him, and went to ask for a hug, and his little brother, the one mentioned earlier, actually held his hands out for a hug! I got to hug them both, and you will not believe how happy it made me.

After that happened, we came home. When we got home, we stated on dinner, which was Turkey and Ham, with some funeral potatoes, which we started later. Then, us Johnstun kids opened up our fish blankets (girls got mermaid tails, boys got sharks), which contained a family movie each, along with some "Skinny Popcorn", Keurig hot coco and apple cider, and some snacks (besides popcorn).

The movies we got were: The Phantom Of The Opera, Epic, Home, Pixels, Dogs 1 (a collection of dig movies, most of then the shaggy dog ones, all three), Don Knots (which is a collection of movies starring Don Knots, one of which we already owned), and Problem Kid. We watched Home first while dad's went shooting, and mom's wrapped presents. Then, in the middle of Pixels, dad's came inside.

It was during Phantom, that mom's finished with wrapping. We then had dinner. We never finished Phantom, since we had to make Santa cookies. We then had some caroling done to us (that sounded less weird in my head), then, when the Smith's left, we all opened one Christmas Eve gift (the blankets didn't count). My Christmas Eve gift was Spirit and Big Hero 6, my favorite Disney and DreamWorks movies.

After that, we all went to bed, and I stayed up until 2:30 reading on my phone. I eventually put my phone down and just closed my eyes to go to sleep.

That was my day so, goodnight, morning, afternoon, or evening to whoever reads this, whenever they read it.


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