Saturday, July 22, 2006

4 1 0

I'm good to go
And I'm going nowhere fast
It could be worse
I could be taking you there with me
I'm good to go
Though it looks like I'm still on my own

I'm good to go for something golden
Though the motions I've been going through have failed
And I'm coasting on potential towards a wall
At a hundred miles an hour

When I say
Two more weeks
My foot is in the door, yeah
I can't sleep in the wake of Saturday
When these open doors were open-ended
When these open doors were open-ended

Pete and I attacked the laws of Astoria
With promise and precision
And a mess of youthful innocence
And I read about the afterlife
But I never really lived more than an hour (more than an hour)

When I say
Two more weeks
My foot us in the door, yeah
I can't sleep in the wake of Saturday
When these open doors were open-ended
When these open doors were open-ended

And I read about the afterlife
But I never really lived
And I read about the afterlife
But I never really lived

Two more weeks
My foot is in the door
Me and Pete in the wake of Saturday
When these open doors were open-ended
When these open doors were open-ended

Ok, ok. Just kidding 😂. Here's the real update:

Saturday, March 10, 2018
I woke up at 7:30 to begin with, but that was only to turn off my alarm. I actually woke up at 8:15 to turn off my third alarm, since I slept through my second one. When I turned off my alarm, I cleared all of my notifications, then I was gonna go back to sleep, but then I saw that one of the stories I read had been updated. So I decided to read it, therefore, getting rid of any chance I had of going back to sleep, but it was totally worth it.

When I finished reading it, I went to the bathroom, then I sat back down and read another story that updated that I had been waiting for awhile to update, and it was definitely worth the wait (infinityonpatrick I forgot to say this in my comment, but I mean it. The long wait was totally worth it 😊, and I'd wait again for another chapter). After I finished that, I helped Amanda clean the front room really quickly, because my mom had another piano class today, and it smelt like dog, to say in the nicest way possible.

Before we could finish, they got there, so we had to wait until they left before we could finish shampooing the carpet. Luckily, I managed to shampoo the couch and get a strong smelling oil blend diffusing, so the room didn't smell too horrible. While we waited for them to leave, we all watched funny videos and tried not to laugh. They weren't the try not to laugh challenges, but we tried not to anyway. When they did finally leave, my mom went to help my dad with yard work.

Around three o'clock, my aunt came over to do work with my mom. I watched more YouTube. When they were getting ready to leave, I asked her if I could spend the night, and she said sure. So I quickly packed a dress, a pair of pajama pants, a clean shirt, and my beanie boos into an over night bag, and in my purse, I put my chargers (one for my phone, one for my headphones, because they use different types of cords), a book that is Sunday approved, my glasses, my wallet (it was already in there), my Personal Progress book, my guitar book, and an extra pair of socks.

Then I went to the truck, and I grabbed my lyric book. I put my stuff in my aunts car, then I went to go fix the truck (actually, all I did was roll up the window and give the keys to my dad, but the shortest way to say that is I fixed it 😂). After I did that, I got in my aunts car and about five minutes later, we left. On the way here, I listened to my music on Spotify, and worked on fixing any mistakes I might have made in my tired state of last night. When I was done with that, I started on this part, and then my cousin wanted me to play dots and boxes with her, so I didn't start until about five minutes after I got here, because I remembered that someone I follow on here has this really cool tradition every Saturday. Well, it's cool if you're a Fall Out Boy fan, because every Saturday, they listen to Saturday, which is by FOB. They also listen to another song, but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was. Anyways, when I remembered that, I decided to listen to it. I was going to originally have this into two parts, but decided against it last second. (*Fun note* This song was put up on YouTube 10 days after my sixth birthday 😊. But the first Saturday it was on YouTube, was two days after PJ's fourth birthday, which is the date above the lyrics, obviously).

After I did the lyrics, I went outside to write but then my cousin got out the four wheeler, so I decided to wait awhile longer before working on this a bit. The first couple of times, Ryann was driving it, and I seriously feared for my life. My stomach couldn't decide whether it wanted to be in my throat or my toes. After she went around with Noelle a couple times, Noelle drove and I got to ride with her. After once around the yard, I started driving.

And boy, was it exciting. The last time I drove a quad, was about two years ago, when my cousin Taylor let me for a couple of minutes. I took Ryann around a couple of times, then Samantha climbed on and she became a Samwich 😂. When their dad got home, Samantha went around with us once more before she got off to give her dad a hug. Then Noelle, Ryann, and I were all on it.

The first couple of times around, I was still driving, but then Noelle drove a couple of times, until Uncle Marc told us to put it away. Once it got put away, we came in and got cleaned up. My hair looked like it had been put in some kind of machine that gave it a "i-was-raised-by-wolves" kinda look. It was awesome. After I got cleaned up, we had some dinner, which was deer enchiladas and some super spicy beans, that were delicious nonetheless.

After dinner, I finished the episode of Vampire Diaries I had started earlier. When I finished it, me, Noelle, and Ryann played a game of Name 5. We didn't finish, because Ryann put on After Ever After by PAINT. We slowly transitioned from PAINT to things with Simon Cowell. After we were done with that (because my aunts phone was dying), we went to watch Cake Wars. Twenty minutes into it, my aunt and uncle came out and we had prayer, then everyone went to bed. I sat down on the big couch in the front room and started writing this some more. Then I got a notification from Snapchat telling me that another cousin (I have a lot of them) added me as a friend, so I got into it to check all my notifications for it, and started talking to Ryan, my... kinda crush, but I don't know if I still like him like that... oh well. I asked him if he was on anything other than Snapchat chat, and he answered exactly how I expected him to: Nope, not really. I've kinda been chatting with him, but he's a bit preoccupied, playing games and what not. Anyway, that's my day, thanks for reading. So goodnight, morning, afternoon, or evening to whoever reads this, whenever they read it.


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