Sunday, December 10, 2017

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My days been pretty slow so far. I woke up at 9 to my mom saying "get up and get ready, it's nine o'clock, and we need to leave in half an hour." I got up, went to the bathroom, then got ready. An hour later, we left (courtesy of my mother). We made it just in time to partake of sacrement. When that was over we listened to people bare their testimonies. While that was happening, I took my brother to the bathroom twice, and Hermione to take a drink once. Then we said the closing prayer.

I took Hermione to Nursery, where she's only got 2 weeks left then she goes to Sunbeams, and she wouldn't let me leave at first. Once her other teacher got there I was allowed to go to my class, where we watched a video. While the video was playing, a couple of people talked, and I was on Wattpad. I know, not the best thing to do in Sunday School, but of there is only one thing for me to concentrate on, then I don't remember anything. When the video was over, we had closing prayer, and the boys went to their next class, while the girls waited for the other young women to come into our classroom (the 16-17 year olds have their class in the YW's room).

When they got there, we had an opening song, Silent Night, then an opening prayer. After that, we took a group picture of people who got a personal progress journal for 2018. Then we split into our respective age groups (12-13 are Beehives, 14-15 are Mia Maids, and 16-17 are Laurels, then 18 plus are in relief society). The Laurels had a lesson on "What Is Zion?" When the lesson was over, I left my section of the classroom, dropped my stuff off in the foyer, then went to puck up my siblings from their classes. First I picked up Mimi, then was going to pick up Ranon, and almost shipped him because I didn't see him in his claim, bit when I had passed it, I heard him clear as day. After that, I picked up Amanda, and took then all to the chapel, because there was choir practice.

For choir practice, we had to change one of the songs we'd been singing, because apparently we were going to do it for Easter. So instead of; Come Thou Font of Every Blessing and Guide Us To Amazing Grace, we sang; It Came Upon A Midnight Clear (the version from the stake choir set), and Guide Us To Amazing Grace. And the while time, I wanted to be with the tenors instead of the sopranos, because they have the better parts of the song. When we were done, we had closing prayer, then I went to go collect mine and my siblings stuff (since they were supposed to be outside). I went to the car, and none of the kids were to be seen. I quickly ran back inside to the cultural hall, and told the kids to hurry up, of they were staying there (an empty threat, of course). I then ran across to get Hermione's shoes and the child that owned them, Mimi herself. I then ran back outside with her in my arms. By the time I was sitting in my seat, I was out of breath, breathing funny, and super cold.

We got home, I changed out of my dress and leggings, and into pajamas. I then went into the kitchen and grabbed since pizza. When I was eating my pizza, my dad was playing call of duty. When I fished he was still playing. He played until he finished it. After that, we watched Duck Dynasty: I'm Dreaming Of A Redneck Christmas. After that, we watched Home Alone 3 and about 4 and a half minutes in, out of nowhere, I yelled "Oh my gosh, I remember! Haunted Mansion!", this might make no sense but it you can recall from yesterday's entry, I said PJ and I were trying to remember what I had said we should look up, it was Haunted Mansion.

After that, I went to make myself some dinner while that was playing. I had one Salisbury steak pot pie, and one chicken and broccoli, then PJ gave me her Salisbury steak pot pie, which I still plan on eating. After Home Alone 3 was over, the kids got rest for bed, then we put on A Christmas Carol, starring Jim Carrey. I'm still watching it now. I'm watching the second ghost now (<===9:27). Well, goodnight, morning, afternoon, or evening to whoever reads this, whenever they read this.


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