Friday, March 9, 2018

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Alright! Let's see, today was somewhat of an eh kinda day. I went to my aunt's house, because my mom had to work, and people were working on fixing up my aunts house. I spent most of my time there outside. I worked a bit on a couple of new songs, and listened to Spotify, like a bunch. When my cousins got home from school, I decided to finally go inside, where I watched a couple of cooking shows, and kind of listened to The Office, while I waited for someone to pick something else to watch, since I was on my phone doing stuff. At around eight forty-five, we left my aunts house, and on the way home, my mom hit a pothole and disconnected the power steering, so my dad had to come get us, and my mom had to drive his truck home.

When we got home, I cleaned the poo in the front room, then I shampooed the media room. When I was done, I heated up a jalapeño burger and put on Aliens Ate My Homework. While doing most of those, I was on the phone with my best friend. When we got off (I had FaceTimed her), I tried to finish my burger, but it was extremely spicy, so I only ate about 5/6 of it. I'm now falling asleep writing this, so I'm gonna sign off, and probably post this sometime tomorrow after I check some things. So, goodnight, morning, afternoon or evening to whoever reads this, whenever they read this.

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