The Regret

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*Mature content towards the end*

"Patrick, are you sure she's how do I put it...capable of something like this?" One man whispered to Patrick and I could hear him because I was right next to him. I had to refrain from telling him off. Was I capable? what kind of question was that?

"Scott, my good man," Patrick said while patting one of Scott's shoulders. He whispered something in his ear, then turned back to me, and the man just walked away.

The rest of the men smiled awkwardly and turned towards me suddenly interested.

"So, how many partners were you looking for?" One man asked smiling.

The rest of the conversation with them was them asking me questions and giving me cards. Each of them had told me to contact them. I stuck all the cards in my clutch.

After Patrick and I had turned around I bit my lip and stopped him. I felt like none of that was genuine.

"Patrick, what did you say to him?" I asked looking at him and he chuckled.

"It was nothing really," He said grabbing some tiny foods off a waiter's tray.

"I like to think I can get far without people's help," I sighed.

"Katherine, those men were never going to help you unless I interfered," He said eating one of the snacks? I don't even know what to call them at this point, they sure as hell weren't a full meal though

I stood there and thought about it for a minute. It's not like he did anything but give me a fair chance.

"I guess I should be thanking you," I said and he shrugged "What are friends for?" He asked in a tone I wasn't a fan of.

"I'm gonna head to the bathroom now," I said pointing to the giant foyer.

"There should be one if you just keep walking," He said and I nodded smiling and turned around.

There should be one of I keep walking? Talk about not knowing how rich you are. I ignored what he said and went up the stairs instead. I think I kind of needed to just escape all of this as well. I kept walking up the what felt like never-ending stairs and decided to go to the left. Of course, there were a small set of stairs to take a turn to the left too. I wouldn't have expected anything less.

I walked for about two minutes before I found a door that said washroom. Guess that was it. I knocked on the door and no one answered. I tried opening the door and it was locked. I was really frustrated. I waited for about three more minutes before I decided this was ridiculous.

"Hello, there is someone waiting," I said folding my arms and tapping my foot on the marble floor.

The bathroom door opened and I was suddenly pulled in. He had pulled me into the bathroom, James, had pulled me into the bathroom. "The actual fuck do you think you are doing," I said as he sat back down on the closed toilet seat and took a swig of the bottle of scotch he was holding.

"Your foot tapping was giving me a headache," He said sounding annoyed and oddly not slurring for how much of the bottle he had drank.

"So, you pulled me in here with you?" I asked trying to figure out how his mind worked.

"You can leave at anytime babydoll," He said laughing.

"Just like I could leave at anytime when we last saw each other right?" I snapped at him, folding my arms against my chest.

"You're next to the fucking door," He said motioning towards it. I looked down at the ground, did I want to leave?

"I'm sorry," he said sighing rubbing his face with his hands.

"For?" I asked calmly.

"I acted like a piece of shit towards you when you used to work for me," He said sighing and looking over at me.

I was not expecting him to actually admit that.

"Yeah, you did," I said not denying it and he laughed running his fingers through his dark locs of hair.

"You look beautiful," He said smiling at me and I blushed.

"Thanks," I said leaning against the sink.

We stayed like that for awhile until he got up and came towards me. I mean should I duck? Should I go hide? Or maybe a part of me actually wanted him to come kiss me.

He came and stood close to me, I could feel his scotch riddled breath against my ear. "You're blocking the door," He whispered and I snapped out of my slight daze almost immediately.

"Oh, sorry let me ju-" Before I could even finish he kissed me and I surprised myself by kissing him back. I was no longer that young girl that he used to know but a grown woman. Who might I add wanted this. Whether I would regret it or not was another chapter of this strange story that was becoming my life.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me up, pushing me against the door, and wrapping one of my legs around his torso. I was breathing hard as he began kissing down my neck and I closed my eyes biting my lip. I unbuckled his belt and he pulled his pants down.

He ran his hands up my dress and rubbed up my thighs, dragging my thong down. I rubbed up against him and moaned "I always regretted letting you quit," He said kissing my lips again and suddenly sliding his cock into me.

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