The Boss Lady

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"Get out," I said wiping away a runaway tear and standing confidently.

"Katherine, I did-" He started.

"I said get the fuck out!" I screamed shaking and pointing towards the door.

He nodded, finally starting to get it and walked towards the door. He opened the door, looking at me one last time, and left. Slamming the door behind him.

Walking over to the let the tears fall as I threw away the roses. I wiped my tears and wrapped my robe tight around myself. I felt so stupid, of course, there had been an ulterior motive when he came here.

Wiping the tears from of my face, I grabbed my phone off the coffee table and fiddled with it for a minute, biting my lip.

I got myself together and decided to text Patrick asking him if he was going with anyone to the engagement party. I don't know what came over me, but I was just so angry and wanted to show James that I didn't need him. Patrick had replied that he didn't have a date and we decided we'd go together, as a couple. Would I regret this? probably. Did I care at the moment? Not really.

It was laughable, we fought like we had been in some kind of a long-term relationship. I had to remind myself that we weren't and I was the one thing I never thought I would be. I had become the other woman. Their relationship wasn't based on anything it should've been but to the outside world, the public, it was and they were madly in love in their eyes.

I guess It didn't matter now though. The way he spoke to me as if I was a child, I knew I wouldn't be forgetting that anytime soon. I'll admit when I was first presented with the opportunity I didn't think I could do it, I was scared by the sheer amount of responsibility. I had even thought that maybe it would be better if James or Patrick took their father's position. Now, all that had gone out the window, it was offered to me and I wanted to prove James wrong.

I decided I was going to go shopping. I needed a new dress for the party and also needed to take my mind off of what had just happened. Looking around at the beautiful gowns while one of the sales girls peered over at me every five seconds. Wasn't exactly the carefree afternoon I had envisioned for myself.

"She'll keep staring at you until you actually buy something," I heard someone say. I looked around but couldn't figure out where the voice had come from.

"Over here," I heard again as I saw the young girl I had met not too long ago. She appeared from between two dresses holding a small book.

"Avery?," I asked surprised.

"I'm not normally hiding between dresses in a store, reading," She said awkwardly.

"I didn't think so," I said laughing. Okay, I maybe only thought that for a second.

"Shopping?" I asked as she looked at me with a less than caring expression. She was something, that was for sure.

"Sister's shopping, I was dragged along," She said looking around. "I actually don't know where she went," She sighed.

"Well, you're a great little sister for going along with her," I said smiling at the petite girl.

"I'm older," She said bluntly, staring at me. "How old are you exactly?" I asked blinking, she looked like she couldn't be more than eighteen.

"Twenty-one," She said and I nodded trying to hide my surprised expression. She was a tiny little thing.

"You thought I was sixteen didn't you?" She asked leaning against a wall. "Eighteen," I said laughing.

"Can't you just look that stuff up? You literally own where I work," She said giving me a duh expression. "I could, but I trust Callie enough to hire decent people and don't see any real reason to when I have people for that," I said pulling a long black gown from the rack of dresses and holding it up to myself.

"Fancy party?" She asked curiously.

"You could say that," I said putting the dress back on the rack and pulling out another dress from the rack. This one was a navy color and I thought about getting it for a minute before I heard Avery say from beside me "The black one,"

"You think?" I asked putting the navy one back and grabbing the black one again. I held it up to myself and looked in the mirror again. It was simple and long, had some pretty silver details on the shoulder. I knew it would just cling to me though, seemed like that type of material.

"Yeah, whoever you're trying to get the attention of will notice you in that," She said opening her book back up.

"Avery!" I heard a slight screech.

"That's for me," Avery said closing her book and standing up straight. "Seeya around, boss lady," She said and walked away.

I decided on the black dress and was checking out when I remembered what Avery had called me.

Boss Lady, I liked that.

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