The Wedding Date

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"I still can't believe he offered you his position, isn't he like a CEO of something or another?" She asked popping a piece of chocolate in her mouth. She was sprawled out on the couch and was holding a giant chocolate bar. She called this "mommy time"

"Yeah, the CEO of what feels like everything. It's like I'm just waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under me Ang," I said laughing. I really missed her, when she had to relocate due to work I was pretty devastated.

"So, you're gonna take it right?" She asked chomping down on most of the candy bar.

"Well, I-" I began before I heard crying in the background. "Go on," She said getting up and coming back with Scarlett. The baby had calmed down once she had been picked up.

"I mean I was gonna-" I started again but was abruptly cut off by Scarlett. I sighed and smiled, she was a cute little girl. It terrified me though. They were so cute and small on one hand but on the other, it seemed like they were out to ruin what little social life I had left.

"I still can't believe you-" Ang quickly covered her daughter's ears with her own hands and finished "Had sex with him,"

I laughed and said "She can't understand you,"

Angela turned to look at me giving me a sharp look "I'm not giving her any opportunities to catch onto it though,"

"Hey, I'm getting pretty tired I think I'll catch up with you tomorrow," I said making up an excuse to hang up.

"Alright, bye sweetie, keep me updated," She said before the call ended.

I bit my lip and grabbed my coat off my chair. Maybe a drink was in order tonight. It'd been a long day and I needed to get my mind off things. I knew there was some wine in the fridge but I needed something stronger. The thought of some whiskey or even vodka running down my throat and warming me uplifting my spirits.

The bar was busy tonight, I weaved through the crowds of people and head straight for the empty bar stool in my sights. I was almost there when some asshole slid into the seat before I did. Anyone could see where I was heading. Against my better judgment I decided to call him out "Hey, asshole did you not see my coming towards this seat?" I asked annoyed, folding my arms and tapping my foot.

"Guess you'll just have to sit on my lap," James said smirking and spinning around in this seat. For the love of god, were these people everywhere? This bar wasn't even near anywhere too fancy.

"I'll stand," I said quickly. Just then the couple next to James got up and I sat on the stool further away from James. and ordered a drink. I purposely left a space between us for my own sake. I didn't need a repeat of the last time we saw each other. Memories began flooding back and I felt like I was already getting aroused.

"When's the wedding?" I asked taking a sip of my drink and turning to look over at James.

We had sex even though he was engaged and now I was asking him. When his wedding was? This was just comical at this point.

"April," He said looking at his drink, I looked ahead focusing on nothing in particular. It was in three months. I felt hurt, stupid, naive. I don't know what I was expecting. That he would realize that I had feelings for him and he would leave his pretty actress fiance? The world just didn't work that way.

I took another sip turning towards him "Congrats," I said mustering up as much false happiness as I could, while not looking at him.

He slid off his stool and came to sit on the one closest to me, turning towards me.

"Katherine," He said staring at me. I turned towards him but avoided his eyes by looking at his mouth instead.

"What?" I asked looking at his what looked like day old shaved face. I hadn't forgotten that he was the one who kissed me and had invited these feelings that I didn't even know existed within me.

"I was going to go after you that day in my office," He said and my eyes shifted up to finally look him in the eyes.

"Why?" I asked.

"I was stupid and I didn't go about expressing my feelings well to you," He said and I couldn't keep my laugh in.

"Yeah, understatement of the year," I said sarcastically. "It wouldn't have mattered anyways James, I was your secretary at the time. You were married and I was young," I said bluntly.

"I never expected to run into you again," He said sighing and putting his face in his hands.

"You thought I was hoping to run into?" I asked standing up. This bar trip to get away was turning into a nightmare. The only places I had left to escape to at this point that wasn't my condo, were incredibly limited. A small bakery I occasionally went to and possibly a McDonalds is what I had limited it to if I was desperate.

I walked away from the bar and began heading for the door when his hand grabbed my shoulder. I turned around to look at him "Just let me go," I sighed. I desperately wanted the warm embrace of my bed and a Friends re-run.

He took his hand off of my shoulder and I walked out the door. I almost instantly felt the loneliness without his hand on me. I knew I couldn't go back though. I headed down the street into the chilly night, possibly leaving feeling sadder than when I had come.

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