The Roses

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The day that James had left my apartment I had called Ang. I told her everything and she told me that she thought that I was creating the wrong kind of environment for myself.
Here I thought she was the one that would leave her husband in a heartbeat, for a King. Or...had I heard that wrong?

Truth was, I think I was falling in love with him too. Difference between him and I was that he'd never know that. As far as I could help it that was. The angry sex definitely helped in my decision of course.

I looked down at my bruised wrist, tracing the ring with my finger. It wasn't the ideal marking but it would do. After he had told me his situation with Meredith, I completely let go of all the anger and guilt I was holding inside. I had felt bad for her because I believed that they were getting married for the right reasons. Crazy right?

If this was all true, why couldn't he be with me instead? I wasn't a pretty actress but I could hold my own against him. It had become a love and hate situation, that I had no idea how I was going to get out of. It seemed that the metaphorical hole just got deeper and deeper.

I knew as the logical adult I was that people were going to get hurt. Patrick was going to get hurt if he ever found out. He had given me a chance when no one else around me noticed that maybe I needed one. Not even myself. Which answered the why couldn't James be with me question.

There was a knock at my door and I couldn't even guess who it was. I purposely didn't talk to a whole lot of people, choosing instead to focus on work.

I slipped my silk robe on and tied it walking towards the door. I opened it and there was James, a hand in his pocket, a smirk on his handsome face, and holding some roses in his hand. He leaned against the frame of my front door.

"James I don't know what to say, you really shouldn't have, but since you did," I said biting my lip. "Give me them," I said reaching for the flowers.

"Well, aren't you going to let me in?" He asked holding the flowers higher and higher. I held the door wide open for him, didn't you have to invite vampires in too? I looked at him strangely and laughed to myself as he came in.

"What's so funny babydoll?" He asked handing me the roses. I shook my head it was stupid. "Just wondering if you're a vampire," I said laughing and he pretended to bite my neck. "What brings you by?" I askes unwrapping the roses and smelling them.

I walked towards the kitchen and took my dead flowers that were sitting in my kitchen out of their vase.

I sighed cleaning the vase out and adding new water. I was going to reach for the roses when I realized they weren't where I had set them down. I was going to turn around thinking I was maybe going crazy when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist from behind, handing them to me.

I put the roses in the vase and spread them out "I love roses," I whispered smelling them again. James slid his hand through the slit in my robe and played with the material of my nightgown. He lifted it up and started sliding his hand up my thigh. The worst part was I just let him keep going.

That's how I ended up bent over and holding onto my counter, on this lovely morning. The roses long forgotten.

"You can't just keep coming over to do this," I glared at him feeling used. Yeah, now is when I decided to start feeling used. After the deed was done. I watched as he pulled his dress pants up and fixed his tie.

"I didn't plan to come over here to have sex with you in your kitchen," He said giving me a look of clear annoyance.

"I was in the neighborhood, came to see how you were doing, and ask why the fuck my father is handing you his positions," He said glaring at me so hard I felt like he was burning holes through me. I should have known this was coming but a part of me just assumed that he knew and was completely fine with it?

Yelping, I said "I don't know okay? He just said a bunch of shit and was like think about it. I didn't go up to him and ask for this,"

James stood up straight and buttoned one of the buttons on his suit. "Okay, babydoll, you can just tell him that you want to hand it over to me," He said talking to me like I was a five-year-old who was completely unaware of what was going on.

"And if I don't want to?" I asked looking up at James.

I swear his eye just twitched.

"Katherine, what the fuck are you going to do with a shit ton of companies you don't know anything about? You aren't made for this. This is something I as his son should be doing," James said getting angry.

I felt tears brimming in my eyes as he continued. "This isn't something you can handle honey. I will talk to my father and tell him that I'm willing to take his place, okay?" he finished, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. I pushed his hand away.

"Stop talking to me like I'm some bimbo. Your father offered me his position in his companies and not you, for a reason," I said while continuing to try my best not to burst into tears.

"Look I don't know what you said to him," James huffed and started pacing my kitchen.

"I didn't say anything to him, he just trusts me more than he seems to trust you, and that's not my fault. I barely know the man," I pointed out. I knew I was right and he knew I was right.

"Listen here you fucking whore, you are messing with my future-" he started, but that's all I needed to hear.

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