Eight Years Later

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I was standing in my office, staring out the window with my arms wrapped around myself. I had ended up in that grand office I always wanted, windows everywhere, and out looking the city. It had been eight years since I had been given the opportunity of a lifetime and I used it wisely. Every one of the companies Edwardo had given me were doing amazing and I had reached my goal. Right?

I had opened up that law firm I always wanted with two other partners and there were more women on my boards than there were men. Unfortunately, my favorite board member Albert had passed away last year. He was the only one who gave me a fair chance and made sure I was heard at that first meeting. Since that day I've made sure I was heard without him, but I would forever be grateful to him for that day.

Angela had two more kids and got a promotion. She was actually pregnant right now and this pregnancy was really getting to her, her doctor suggesting she take some time off work. So, in her spare time, she would call me. We weren't quite as close as we had once been, unfortunately, but she was still a friend. I had found new people to surround myself with and she had done the same.

She had actually called me just last night telling me that she was watching one of those celebrity news shows. She made it a point to tell me that the rumor was that James and Merideth were in the middle of a divorce.

We hadn't seen each other in eight years, gaps, those seemed to be a theme for us. He avoided coming to the city unless he had to, I'm assuming for work. They ended up having a little girl from what Patrick told me and named her Charlotte. For eight years, I put my own feelings aside and acted happy for them anytime anyone brought them up. I tried dating but no one ever really lasted and I eventually just turned to the occasional hookup. Which worked with my busy schedule.

I continued staring out at the city and kept thinking about how far I had come. Turning back to my desk, I had a seat and started doing some paperwork. My pen had decided to stop working halfway through me doing so and my eyes darted around for another one. I finally saw one behind the set of three attached picture frames. I quickly grabbed it, accidentally knocking the frames down in the process and cursing.

One of the pictures was of my mom and I, the other was my young father, and the last one was of Edwardo from when he was younger. I had come to terms with everything and decided that these three humans had played their own roles in my life. I looked at the picture of my father, some having played smaller roles than others.

I kept looking at the pictures when heard a knock on the door and then it opened.

"So, I was waiting for you so we could go to lunch and a man came to your waiting room," Avery began, the awkward young girl I used to know almost completely gone.

"I told your secretary I had to come tell you in person because he's cute and he's holding rosesss," She continued, drawing out the last bit.

I set the picture frame back down and put my paperwork aside.

"Send him in," I said smiling.

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