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"Lou," Harry breathed. They were in Louis' bedroom, as Niall had left to go see Sophie and they now had the flat to themselves. Harry was straddling over Louis, grinding his hips sofly against the older boys, who was moaning from the friction.

"Haz," Louis said softly, trying to control his breathing. His plan was to be super gentle with Harry and take things slow, as they hadn't even gone on their first date yet, and he had no idea how Harry's body image was after coming home from rehab literally a few hours ago. But when Harry pressed him up against the bedroom door, grabbing him firmly by the waist and showering his collarbone with kisses, it seemed obvious that Harry wanted to go much faster than he had anticipated.

Harry started to remove Louis' shirt, a dark blue jumper, and threw it off the bed, causing it to fall noiselessly on the floor. Louis watched silently as Harry fumbled with his own shirt, taking deep breaths as he slowly removed it halfway and then pulled it back down. "I just... don't make fun of me okay? I know I look okay with clothes, but underneath, my stomach is huge. I feel so bloated all the time," Harry said, his face falling as rolled off of Louis and slid into the space on the bed next to him.

"Harry, you don't have to take your shirt off if you're not ready? We don't have to move this fast... I was letting you lead the pace. We can slow down if that's what you need," Lou said, his blue eyes gleaming as he smiled at Harry, who was nervously biting at one of his curls.

"No, Louis," Harry said, grabbing him by the waist with rough hands. "It's not that... I want you... I want this. I just. I feel self concious. I'm just frustrated because after all this rehab you would think I would be able to take my bloody shirt off by now." Harry's face fell a bit and he looked away from Louis. Lou rolled Harry onto his back and sat up next to him, gently massaging his solid shoulders.

"Babe, it takes time. I know you wish you felt better by now, but just be patient with yourself. You've come so far," he said, reaching over and grabbing Harry by the hips. "Remember when we could hardly touch?"

Harry nodded, his dark pupils swallowing his green irises as he looked at Louis' shirtless torso. "Yeah, I do," Harry replied, his lips quivering a bit. "I just... need you now, Lou..." He traced circles on Louis' chest with his index finger and looked at him with longing eyes.

"Well who says you have to take your shirt off for that, Styles?" Louis said with a smirk. "As long as this is what  you want..." He began to unbutton Harry's jeans, looking up at him for approval before he continued. Louis slid his jeans down his legs, but once he reached Harry's thighs, he started to squirm.

"I.... my legs are gross too... Louis. Fuck," he said, covering his face. "I'm so hard for you right now. I don't know why this is happening because it's exactly what I want. I'm sorry, Lou." Louis crawled back up to where Harry was positioned on the bed and kissed him softly on the head.

"Don't worry. I can wait a hundred years before we do any of this. I just want you," he said, cuddling up against Harry and turning so he could be the big spoon. "Thanks, Lou. For dealing with me when I'm...I'm like this. I just, I don't know. You can do better." He curled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them.

"What?" Louis asked in surprise, his eyebrows rising. "You can do better than me, Harry. You're so tall and sexy and gorgeous. Thoughtful, caring, talented. I'm just.. a loud mouthed writer who can barely make conversation without making some silly flirty comment." Harry was shocked to hear this was how Louis felt about himself. He had always considered Louis to be amazing --superior, even. What was he talking about?

"Wait... none of that is true though. You're great, Lou. You're the total catch... So caring and sassy and hot. And damn, your big blue eyes and perfect hair... and that arse. Who told you that you're not good enough?" Harry demanded, his button nose crinkling as he wondered how Louis could think those things about himself.

"I... well, I have a lot of exes. Or ex friends with benefits. Nearly all of them left me, and I think it's cause I wasn't well good enough. Not smart enough, not sexy enough," he said, his hands self-conciously gravitated towards his tummy as he let out a small sigh. "I just.. I don't know if I'll be able to get anyone to stick around..."

"Lou," Harry said, hugging Louis tightly. "I never knew that, Lou. You never told me. I'm so sorry they made you feel that way. But you are good enough... you are worthy of sticking around." His gentle hands weaved through Louis' thick hair. He felt the older boy little out a tiny moan.

"Really?" he asked quietly. It suddenly felt as though their roles were reversed -- instead of Louis taking care of Harry, Harry was now taking care of him.  "Really," Harry replied. He stroked Louis' back, realizing that they were both struggling internally--although it was with different things, they both had their insecurities and self esteem issues.

"I'm not going anywhere anytime soon," Harry whispered. "You're mine, babe." 

A/N: what do you guys think so far?!? Lou is opening up and getting vulnerable with Harry :) How does Harry's recovery seem? I'm trying to make it as realistic as possible... he's doing the best he can, he's not gonna be perfectly "cured" after rehab which is why he's still a bit insecure + May have slip ups as the story continues. Louis and Harry seem good for each other but their relationship is still so new!! What do y'all think so far?

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