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"Love that new article, by the way," Harry said, sipping on his water as he made heart eyes at Louis. "25 reasons to never wear non-skinny jeans again. Who would have thought, coming from you?" Louis blushed and laughed a little, impressed by how carefully Harry was following his posts.

"Yeah, that was super last minute. Didn't have time to research, so I stuck with what I knew best. So what's up with you, Styles? Excited to get back to baking?" Louis asked, shifting the conversation to the younger boy's life. He knew Harry didn't like the attention, but he had to help him learn that he deserved to be the center of attention sometimes.

"Yeah, I'm excited. I applied to a few local bakeries, even heard back from some," Harry said as a smile spread across his pale pink lips. "I'm ready to get back at it. It's been so long... the time we baked together was the first time I've done it in over a year." Harry lowered his gaze as he admitted this to Louis.

"I'm so happy for you, Haz! That's awesome, love," Louis exclaimed, wishing he could hug him from across the table. "Maybe once you get settled I'll come do an interview with you... and you can share your baking secrets," he said, only half joking. "32 ways to use frosting seductively?" Harry said, wagging an eyebrow. "Thanks, Love, But I'll pass. I need to get the job first anyways..." he began. But he was interrupted by the waitress, who was coming towards them with two large plates.

Harry widened his eyes in horror over the massive plate of curry she set down in front of him. He looked over at Louis, who seemed perfectly content with his burger, which was big enough to feed a small family.

"Harry, relax, love. You don't have to eat all this. The portions are really big, okay?" Louis said in a soothing voice. "Miss, can we get an extra plate please?" He asked the waitress before she left.

"Look, we'll get you a new plate and we'll put only the amount you're going to eat on it, so you don't feel overwhelmed. Sound good love?" louis asked, moving back to Harry's booth and rubbing his shoulders.

"I'm... so sorry for this, Lou," he choked, feeling terribly embarrassed. "Go eat your food while you wait, it's okay." Louis shook his head. "I'll wait for you, Love. Want you comfortable, okay?" He replied, his thick thigh rubbing against Harry's lean one.

"Here's your plate," the waitress said, returning with a large white dish. Harry set it in front of himself and stared at the pile of food, unsure where to begin. "Here, babe. I'm gonna scoop out half of this. Okay?" Louis said, using his spoon to move the food from the first dish to the second. He created a cute little mound in the middle of the plate, decorating it with little drippings from the sauce to emulate the original dish.

"Thanks, Lou. That's so much better. Now, go eat," he commanded, pretending to push Louis out of the booth. Louis returned back to his booth and cut his burger in half, struggling to cut through the crunch ramen. "Oh my god, this is not a good first date food," Louis giggled, looking at how messy it was already. "I'm gonna get so messy eating this." Louis crunched on a fry and looked up at Harry, who was taking his first bite of the curry.

"This is actually quite good," Harry said, raising his eyebrows. Louis smiled and took a bite of his burger, trying his best not to let the sauces get everywhere. "Mine too! Glad you like it, Haz," he replied after he swallowed his bite.

Harry took bite after bite of his curry, too afraid to slow down as he might lose his momentum. He learned in the hospital that stopping only made things worse because once he took a break—even a short one— he wouldn't want to go back to eating. Louis was a quick eater too, and finished the first half of his burger within just a few minutes.

"Oh my god, I'm so full," Louis said, a few bites into his second half. Harry looked up at Louis, curiously, to study his facial expression. For Harry, being full was an awful, unpleasant feeling. But Louis didn't seem bothered at all— in face, he was smiling.

Let Me Show You How to Love Yourself (Larry Stylinson) ✅Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt