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"Just let me know if you need more," Louis whispered to the very sleepy Zayn who was sitting next to him on the 11:55pm plane to Newcastle. "I'm good," Zayn mumbled, closing his eyes and resting his head on Louis' strong shoulder. Louis sighed and pet his head softly, feeling sorry for Zayn in his state of panic.

As guilty as he felt for keeping him on a steady supply of Xanax, there was nothing he could do at the moment. The minute the medicine had worn off last time, Zayn started flailing around on the car ride over, shaking and screaming nonstop about Liam. Ultimately, Louis had no choice but to keep him sedated on the plane to avoid a scene, or at least that's what he told himself.

As he stroked Zayn's hair, Louis couldn't help but think about Harry. When he texted him earlier, Harry had told him he was at the doctors. Louis ended up calling him after his appointment to explain what was going on before he and Zayn left, a situation which left the younger boy in tears despite the watered down version of the story Louis had told him.

"Listen. There was an accident. Don't freak out because everything's okay. But Liam went to Newcastle instead of visiting his parents like he told you. He got hurt— he broke his leg and has a few scrapes, but he's okay. Zayn and I are flying to go get him now. Niall will stay with you for a few days," Louis explained into the receiver quickly, hardly stopping for breath as he told Harry the carefully crafted lie.

"What... why can't I come?" Harry stammered as fear began to fill his voice, making it high pitched and shaky. "Don't worry love. It was last minute. You weren't home," Louis replied softly, feeling a tinge of guilt strike him in the stomach as he fibbed.

This explanation wasn't good enough for Harry, who was quite aware of what the boys thought of him. "Is this because no one thinks I'm capable of helping out or being independent? Why didn't Niall go with you? Why is he stuck here babysitting me?" Harry demanded.

Louis contemplated telling Harry another web of lies. Something about how Niall had an important work conference and couldn't go. Or how it would be cheaper for just the two of them to go. But he decided against it, concluding that if he truly loved Harry he should be honest with him.

"Harry, Love. Please don't fight me on this. You're capable. You're independent. That's not it love. We're just worried about you and your health right now. You're just about To get cleared for work and I don't want to overwhelm you by making you travel and all that. Can you please just understand that this isn't a bad thing? Please, harry?" Louis said, practically crying by the end of his sentence.

Harry was silent on the other end. He didn't breathe, he didn't speak. Finally, nearly thirty seconds later he responded. "Alright, Lou. But you don't know what's best for me, alright? I'm really upset that you made this decision without even asking me... it's not okay," Harry said harshly, his voice booming.

"I... I'm sorry," Louis replied quietly. "You're entirely right." Harry breathed heavily into the phone. "You don't have to protect me, Louis," he said. "Where's Zayn? can you put him on?" Louis' eyes opened wide and he shook his head violently, forgetting that Harry couldn't see him. "He's not holding up well. Panic attack," Louis said quickly, before he could catch himself in another lie. "Fuck. Really? You weren't gonna tell me?" Harry spat. "Fuck off."

And that was the end of their conversation before Louis heard the steady drill of the dial tone and realized that he probably just made an extremely bad decision by telling Harry all of that. Now, as he sat on the plane, his heart ached for the thin, curly haired boy who had made him laugh and smile uncontrollably just a few days ago.

This was Harry and Louis' first fight with each other, and honestly, it felt awful. Louis had always tried to be as sensitive and perceptive to Harry's needs as he could— he always tried to be his protector. But now harry was telling him he didn't want that — he didn't want to be protected or cared for. And If he didn't want that, then what the hell did he want?

Suddenly, Louis felt a rough tap on his shoulder, pulling him out of his personal contemplation and sending him back to reality. "Mm. Bathroom," Zayn moaned, his eyes still closed. Louis nodded and grabbed Zayn's arm, leading him to the back of the plane to where the restrooms were.

"Zayn, just go in there," Louis said, pointing at the empty toilet. Zayn shook his head, his messy hair falling down into his eyes. "No. Want you to come in," he murmured. Louis shook his head. "Absolutely not, Zayn. Just go to the bathroom. I'll wait right here," Louis said, crossing his arms.

Zayn's chestnut eyes connected with Louis' frosty blue ones, begging, pleading for him to accompany him. But Louis shook his head again, more sternly this time, and Zayn shrugged and stumbled forward to the bathroom. Shaking his head, Louis grunted and followed him in, closing the door behind him. He owes me big time for this, Louis thought to himself with a grimace.

Inside, the bathroom was so tiny Louis and Zayn could hardly fit inside together. To avoid getting too close, Louis had pressed himself against the door and turned completely away from Zayn, who was softly trickling into the toilet. "Hurry up," Louis insisted, the smell of urine invading his nostrils. "Need your help to wipe though," Zayn whispered. "Fuck this, I'm getting out of the bathroom, Zayn. You're on your own," Louis said, jiggling the lock.

Suddenly, he felt Zayn grab him from behind— with a harsh grip for someone with shaky hands and muscular weakness. Louis turned around in horror to find Zayn with his pants around his ankles, wrapping his arms tightly around his torso. "Zayn, get the fuck off," Louis shouted, pushing him back. But Zayn lunged forward, pulling Louis towards him so their faces were parallel.

That's when he kissed him.

A/N. Eek! Not what I was planning for omg. What do y'all think? I did not enjoy writing this chapter haha sorry if it's kinda dull

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