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"Niall, there's an emergency," Zayn choked into the phone. "Liam went on a bender. He's really hurt... and he's in fucking New Castle... I don't even know what to do. Fuck...." He bit his lip to keep from crying. His voice was weak and raspy, constantly cracking.

"Wait... slow down. Is he okay? How did he get to New Castle that's nearly 8 hours by car?" Niall asked frantically on the other end. Zayn grimaced. "He drove. I... called the hospital and someone came and got him. Deep wounds on his leg and face, but he's pretty fucked up with drugs that don't mix. They did a stomach pump, but said it's been in his system a while.... have to wait and see how he does. Niall I've been fucking throwing up in the bathroom. I just... can you come get me? We have to go see him...."

"I'm coming. I'm coming right now," Niall replied, clicking off the phone and putting it in his pocket. Then, he turned to his client and explained that he had an emergency and had to leave. "That's okay, we don't need to see anymore of the house. We'll take it," the woman called as Niall jogged to the door. "Awesome," Niall replied. He tossed her a pen to sign the lease and then turned on his heel and headed to out the door to the tube.

"Okay, you're okay," Niall said softly, putting an arm under Zayn's shoulder and helping him to his feet. Zayn had sounded bad over the phone, but he looked absolutely terrifying in person. He was pale with a sickly grey coloring to his skin and his eyes were red and puffy, only half opened. His limbs were weak at his sides and he appeared to be partially paralyzed, stunned by the shock he was experiencing.

"Can you see me?" Niall asked, not sure what to even do in a situation like this. Figuring it would be better for him to get off the floor, Niall walked Zayn to a bathroom stall and closed the lid to the toilet seat so he could sit down. Taking a seat, Zayn nodded. "I can. But you're a bit blurry."

Niall nodded slowly. "I'm gonna get you some water..." he said, exiting the bathroom swiftly. As soon as he got into the corridor and grabbed a cup of water, he whipped out his phone and started texting Louis.

Niall: EMERGENCY! Liam in New Castle. Went on bender - has injuries and possible OD. In hospital.
Niall: Zayn freaking out. Vomiting everywhere and pale with blurry vision. Need help ASAP. Can't handle this alone.
Niall: 332 West Canary Wharf, Suite 2A

When Niall returned to the bathroom he found Zayn over the toilet, vomiting profusely, his back arching as he heaved over and over. "Zayn," he said, tapping him on the shoulder. "Zayn, it's clear. Nothing's coming out. Please stop. I have your water."

Zayn turned around, nearly falling onto Niall as he faced him. Niall extended a hand and helped steady him back on the toilet seat, handing him the water. Right away, Zayn's trembling hand began to spill the water everywhere, so Niall grabbed it back and brought the water to his lips.

Zayn drank slowly, finally feeling an inkling of calm as he focused on swallowing each tiny gulp. "Okay. You're okay," Niall said, stroking his back. "Can I... Can I get more water?" Zayn asked timidly, hoarseness enveloping his burning throat. Niall nodded and returned to the corridor. He returned a few seconds later with two more cups. With the first one, he helped Zayn to hold the cup as he sipped. With the second one, Zayn was able to hold it himself and drink it with only a tiny bit of spillage.

Niall's phone flashed suddenly.

Louis: Okay. Fuck. I'm on my way! Are u still at the office?
Niall: yeah, can't move him. I don't think he can get up. Should I call 911?
Louis: Not sure. As him if it's a panic attack. If it is then ask if he has meds for it. If not he could be seriously sick + we have to call.
Niall: Ok. Thanks.

"Hey, Zayn. Do you think you're having a panic attack?" Niall asked softly, stroking his hair. Zayn's neck was clammy and dripping with sweat. Niall flinched a bit upon feeling the wetness, but didn't stop as it seemed to be calming him down.

Zayn nodded. "Used to get them when I was younger. Still do a few times a year," he replied breathily. Niall nodded. "How do you treat them? Do you have meds?" He asked, praying that the answer was yes.

Zayn nodded a second time, his face growing paler. "Yeah, they're at home. But we don't have time to go home. Have to go see Liam," he stammered. Niall felt Zayn's heart rate pick up beneath his fingers and immediately tried to change the subject, as it was Liam who was triggering all of this.

"Liam's fine though, love. We're worried about you right now. Once you feel better, you can go see him," Niall said with a false smile. As he watched Zayn tremble next to him in the awful smelling bathroom, he felt himself starting to get nauseous too... Niall could handle most heavy situations, but this was just too intense for him. He was responsible for Zayn's care right now and had no idea what he was doing. All he wanted was for Louis to show up and help him out....

Suddenly, Zayn started shaking around violently, loosening out of Niall's grip. "Gotta go see Liam," he growled. Niall jumped up and tried to steady him, pushing him back onto the toilet seat, which wasn't much effort considering how weak he had become.

Suddenly, The bathroom door swung open and Louis jogged in, his soft brunette hair blown in every which direction and dark sweat stains bleeding through his red blazer. "I have Xanax. Just give him one of these," he panted. He tossed Niall an orange pill bottle and Niall caught it, fumbling with the child lock before forcing it open and giving Zayn a pill.

"Swallow this, please," Niall instructed, placing the pill in Zayn's hand. Louis ran over and handed Zayn a water bottle, patting him gently on the back. Zayn nodded, throwing his head back and swallowing the tiny pill. He didn't really need water, but he looked at Niall with begging eyes, and watched as the Irish boy helped bring the bottle to his lips. That's the last thing he remembered before everything went dark.

"What the fuck do we do?" Niall cried, wringing his hands. He was pacing on the wooden floors of Zayn, Liam and Harry's flat and was near close to tears. "Alright. Give me a second mate. I don't know how soon we can even get to Newcastle. It'll take at least a few hours to get on a flight.... and Zayn's gonna wake up and freak again. Fuck," Louis said. He rubbed his eyes, trying to clear his mind of all the chaos. Just yesterday he had been cuddling and making breakfast with Harry. Today, he was dealing with a life or death crisis.

Suddenly, his mouth opened wide. "Oh my god, where's Harry?" Louis asked in a panic. "He's not here... must be at the doctors or some shit. He is going to freak when he finds out both his roommates are out of it..." Louis quickly texted Harry, trying not to come off as suspicious when he questioned his whereabouts.

Louis: Hey Love where are you? Knocked on apartment door but no answer. Home for lunch

Hoping he would answer soon, Louis shoved the phone back into his pocket and took his second swig of whiskey in the past twenty minutes, handing the bottle over to Niall for his third. "Okay... someone needs to stay here with Harry. So can you do that? I would send you off with Zayn to Newcastle but I can tell it's gonna be unpleasant for you...." Louis said quickly. Niall nodded with wide eyes. "Yeah I just can't go with Zayn. I'm sorry, mate. I'm just not good with these emergency type things. I'm starting to feel freaked myself," he admitted. Even whiskey wasn't helping to calm him down right now...

Louis nodded, smoothing out his wild hair. "Okay, I'll get some tickets. I have a friend at RyanAir. Hopefully we can pull some strings and get a short notice flight. As for Harry, I'll text you a plan. We can't tell him the extent of the issue. But we shouldn't hide it either. A happy medium. Please stay with him and try to make sure he eats. Watch how long he spends in the bathroom or in his room. He purges and exercises.... fuck. I'll send you instructions... I just. Let me take care of this flight shit...." Louis chattered off directions left and right to Niall and then picked up his cell to call the airline company.

"Dear god," Louis muttered to himself as he grabbed a notebook. "Please let everything be okay."

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