Day 21

12 1 0



I moved forward, faking a punch and kicking her in the back of the knee, causing her to fall, again. I shook my head and reached a hand out to help her up. She glared at me and got up without my help.

"Again," I said, getting ready.

"No, I'm done. How is this even going to help?" Avery crossed her arms.

I walked up behind her and pulled her into a hug. "Something could go wrong and you have to fight someone. And I would feel better if you could defend yourself since your going to do this with me." I whisper in her ear before biting her ear.

She turned around and wrapped her hands around my neck. "And that's why you'll be there with me." She stood on her toes and kissed me.

"Damn right." I kissed her back. "But..." I grabbed her arm and twisted it around. She let out a yelp and tried to fight back. We went along with this for a while before she tried out.

So she went off to take a shower, I made a call.

"This is Wade. If you have business then you know what to do. If not, fuck off." I got his fucking answering machine again. This drug dealer sucks but he's next on the list. 'you know what to do.' What does that mean? Damn, I wish I did drugs right about now.

The shower turned off. She must have finished. What an am I going to do? Avery walked out. "I'm going to take a nap." She yawned and walked to my room. Well good, she's going to take a nap, I might have just enough time to find this guy and kill him.

I went into my room, trying not to wake up Avery. I couldn't get any of my cool weapons since Avery was laying over them, so I would have to deal with what I had out. I grabbed my red hoodie and two knives. I knew someone downtown who did drugs but I didn't know where he got it from, could he could be of use.

It was a boring 20-minute walk to his house or whatever he calls it. Every time I've been there, a bunch of random duggies was moping around, or whatever druggies do. I walked up to the door and walked in like I owned the place.

"Who the fuck are you?" I turned to the old ass staircase and there he was, Jacob.

"Who ya think?" I asked as I walked towards him.

"Tyler! It's been awhile." We both did a quick hug and then I got down to business.

"Jacob, I need to know how you get your drugs from."

"Why? You want some? I have some. You don't need to go to him and buy."

"No, I have other reason to meet him."

"His name is Wade." This is perfect.

"So where do I meet Mr. Wade?"

"Under the main bridge. He'll be there around 8 tonight."

"Thanks, man." I reached into my pocket and pulled some cash.

"No need. You have done enough from me."

I turned towards the door when I stopped and asked. "Jake, have you heard anything from the gangs around town about a murderer?"

"No, there has been no talk. But the cop keeps asking."

"Good." With that, I walked don't the door and towards main bridge.

I took my time, I had a few hours before 8. I had to think of a plan. He wouldn't show up but himself, so he would most likely bring someone. I was going to have to get him by himself or kill at the other men first. The first option seemed the best. There was no reason for unnecessary killing.

While wandering around, an old friend called out my name. "Hey, Tyler! Is that you?" I turned around and saw my old friend Quinn.

I haven't seen Quinn in years before my parents died and he has changed so much. In the past, he was a bit overweight but now he lost most of it. He added highlight to his hair and wore glasses, thick, black framed. He now wore fashionable clothing rather than an old tee and ripped jeans. To me, he looked better before but I wasn't going to say anything unless he asked.

"Hey, Quinn. How have you been?" I smiled.

"I'm been great. Things have changed, you know." I nodded. Things have changed. Before, I wasn't a killer. "I have been everywhere and now I'm back home. You going somewhere?" And that is when it hit me, he was on the list. My ex-best friend was on my hit list and I was going to kill him. How did I not see this?

"No. I was just walking around waiting until later." I shrugged. I had to find out what he did.

"Let's do something then." I nodded. "So, what is there?"

"Why does everyone think I know where everything is?" I asked.

"I don't know what you mean?" Why do I open my mouth, sometimes?

"I have this new girl."

"Like a girlfriend?"

"Maybe, maybe not." We really couldn't be anything. I've only known her for a few weeks.

"Come on, tell me." We took a seat on a bench.

"She is just someone I meet in school and she's been hanging out." I smiled to myself. I really do like her.

"She sounds important." He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, sure." I shrugged. "So, what have you been doing?"

"Not much. My parents have traveled across the world but I'm done. I just want to stay in one place and go to school. So I came back home. I'm staying with my uncle for the year. What about you? Who are you living with?"

"No one. After they died, I went to the state and asked to live on my own. I proved I could and now I do." I wasn't that simple, it was really hard to do.

"That sounds hard."

"Yeah, it was. But who cares."


"So, have you done any business in town?" Quinn's parents own a huge company, so it wasn't unlikely that they did some business in this same town.

"Yeah, they just bought someone's business. I heard that person's pissed." So you didn't do anything. Or you did. I don't know anymore. But you're going to die.

My phone started to ring. I stood up and walked away and answered. "Hello?"

"Hey, where did you go?" Avery asked.

"I have something to do but I'll be home by 10." She was going to stay the night. He dad thought she was staying with a friend.

"Okay, need me to do something?"

"Yeah. Look at the list and research anyone who's left. I need to make them easy."

"'Kay, love you." I smiled.

"Right back at you." I hung up.

"Hey, Tyler," Quinn said. "I have to leave. See you later."

I check the time and it was almost 8. I walked over to the bridge. I wasn't that far.

Once there, I saw this man standing there. Like who the fucking hell, just stands there, waiting? I didn't see anyone, so I walked up.

"Hi," I said, acting all nervous.

"What you want?" He had a rough voice.

"Nothing much. You here alone?"

"Why?" He started to panic. So he was alone. Well, that makes this easy.

I took out a knife and stabbed him in the neck and laughed. Then I slashed his throat. He fell to my feet. I wasn't going to make this a very awesome kill. I just killed him. I then carved the name into his neck and left.

I didn't even get any blood on me.

I'm so sorry that I didn't publish last week. I thought I did but it didn't.

Anyway, I hoped you liked. And leave a comment on what you think should happen.

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