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IMPORTANT A/N: Hey guys so before you start the story I just wanted to say thanks for choosing to read this book it means so much 😫...also I wanted to let you know that the characters and places are completely fictional and anything related to someone either living or dead is completely coincidental and not intentional. That being said, you're free to imagine how they look like, though I'll put a cast after I introduce everyone in the story so at least you have an idea...anyway enjoy 😁
(Welcome Back re readers and a warm welcome to first time readers❤️)

Ashley's POV
How do I start this story called my life?

My name is Ashley Woods, I'm 18 years old and I'm a sophomore in college. I still live with my parents like most youths in this city do until they go to university.

So the norm in this country is after you get your highschool certificate you go into college for three years. We have A levels the 1st years, then we have the sophomores the 2nd years and finally the seniors who are the 3rd years. Once you've completed your three years of college you get a diploma and then you can go into the university of your choice and get your degree.

I'm sure you get the gist? So some classes are shared courses with the 2nd and 3rd years and others with the 1st depending on what you want to major and minor in when you go into the university.

Life pretty much sucks to say the least, why not just go straight into university. Being here feels like being in highschool, they just decorate it by calling us college students.

Anyway it's 8AM and I'm at my usual spot in front of Aiden. I've got music blasting loudly in my ears knowing damn well today would be the same as any other day, I waited for the bell to ring, see? Which college has a bell these days, and further slumped back in my seat zoning the world out deep in thought. I tend to think a lot about my life when I zone everything out to the point I don't even notice at all

Due to my amazing ability to shut reality out I really didn't care enough to notice the lecturer had walked in. Music was still blasting loudly in my ears while I watched the clock hands tick at their own rhythm in hopes the day would just end already. Minutes later I felt someone slightly shake my shoulder repeatedly, the simple gesture sent shivers down my spine and cause goosebumps erupt on my shoulders leaving my skin burning on the spot. I knew that touch anywhere, I didn't even have to guess. It happens even when we brush shoulders, lame I know

I calmed my racing heart down and slowly turned my head only to face a smirking Aiden. I mastered up my most unbothered facial I could then gave him a questioning look to which he slightly twitched his lips upward and pointed to the front.

Confusion was evident on my face when I turned back and met the raging eyes of Mrs Clark. With a sheepish grin, I took off my headsets and sat up. So it begins

"Ms Woods! how many times did I call you?! " she exclaimed, loudly might I add and honestly exclaiming on its own seems loud enough but for her to exclaim 'loudly' then it was loud, sounds dumb i know , geez woman can you be any louder, I don't think Frank downtown heard you

"uh... I'm guessing a couple of times judging by the tone of your voice" I answered her sweetly but that only enraged her more...oops

"yes! And do you know what you get for that?" she said even louder than earlier

do I seem deaf?  I wanted to ask but bit my tongue for now... Not

With a bored expression, I sighed "First of all I'm not deaf and neither is anyone else in this class secondly no, please enlighten me" at this point I'm pretty sure steam would come out of her ears

"Detention Ms Woods, detention is what you're getting!" The class was now silent looking at me, awaiting an awesome comeback...but I only shrugged in response. Do you now understand what I mean by they decorate this place saying it's college? Detention really?

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