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He must have heard the sound of my motorcycle because I wasn't even parked before Agent Kane had the door open. I took my helmet off and looked at him as he leaned against the doorway. "What happened?"

"I took care of it," I said with a sigh. It wasn't a pretty fight, but I was the one to walk away from it.

Walking down the front steps as I stood up, I saw him examining me. "You hurt?"

Was that even a question? "What gave it away?" I scoffed as I looked down. I knew I had a black eye and broken lip, plus my clothes were mostly shreds. I probably had more dried blood exposed than skin at this point.

"Do you need a hospital?" He asked emotionlessly.

Kane asked all of the right questions like he cared, but he had no concern in his tone. "No, I can take care of it myself. I assume you have questions?"

I started to limp for the front door. Every step I took hurt, breathing hurt. "You should go to a hospital." He whispered as he came beside me and wrapped an arm around me so I could use him as a crutch.

Shaking my head, I focused on putting one step in front of another. "Because it worked out so well last time I was there," I said with a weak laugh before groaning and I grabbed my ribs. "I'm fine, I'll be fine. Help me inside?"

The stairs were rough, but with Kane's help, I was able to get inside and onto the couch. "What can I get you?"

"Saltwater," Kane made a face and I shook my head, "There is a jug in the fridge and seaweed is on top of the fridge. Bring them both, thank you." I said softly with a small smile.

Kane left and was back just as soon, I assumed he had already explored the place while he was waiting for me. He placed both items in front of me and I took a sip of the salt water and relaxed for a second. "What are you?" He asked; me of enjoying the taste of salt water must have confused him. "I mean, you can't be human."

"You're right there," I replied as I dipped the seaweed into the water to soften it a bit before I started laying it over the large gash just above my iliac crest. "What do you think I am?"

Kane shook his head, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of the water as he tried to think of something. "Demon?" He finally asked hesitantly.

Laughing, I shook my head, "I could see why you would think that, but no. I am from a different world."

I could watch as Kane swallowed hard, struggling to wrap his mind around the idea. "Di-Different world, eh?" He asked, letting his cold composure break for the first time. "Why are you here?"

That was the million dollar question. "Yes,  from a world full of magic and beings beyond your understanding. I do not know why I am here, but I am trying to get home again. I think I even found the way if I can convince you to not arrest me and give me my book back." Kane just continued to stare at me. "I know this is a lot to accept Agent Kane, and I am sorry you found out the way you did." I was sorrier he had found out at all.

Kane stood up and looked out the window, sighing as he ran his fingers through his hair. "That thing, the demon you fought, are there more of them?"


"Are they dangerous?"


His gaze landed back on me as he shook his head. "Did you kill it?"

I nodded slowly, "Barely."

Kane was finally starting to look nervous, realizing the situation he was in. "Why? Why are they here, why was it after you?"

That was an excellent question, "I have no idea. Something is wrong... I should not be here and I am afraid the answers are back in my world."

Kane walked back over to me and sat down on the coffee table across from me. He leaned in and looked me in the eyes, "Can you get home?"

He was acting like he hadn't been hunting me down for the last year. I wasn't upset, I was glad he no longer had plans on arresting me. "I think so, I just have to get to Portland."

Reaching into his pocket, Kane pulled out his phone. "I'll get us a car. I'm coming with you." I was stunned into silence at his comment. He wanted to come with me? "I assume if you can get home, you can bring me with you?"

"Why?" Was all I was able to get out in my state of confusion.

He shrugged, never looking up from my phone. "If your home has answers, then that's where I need to be." He said simply as if that explained his reckless decision. 

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