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Once my chains were unlocked, the air was filled with an uncomfortable silence as I ate and was brought water. The only time anyone spoke was when Leo left to get changed after clothes were brought for us. Dalok waited for us to be alone to speak up, "About what happened..." He sounded hesitant, unsure of himself.

"What happened?" I watched Dalok cringe and wait for my verbal assault, it never came. I could have said so much, could have killed now that I had my strength back, but just the way he looked at me I knew he had no idea what he had done to me. I don't think he realized what the darkness was like, what that woman did. "You protected your people." I had to take the high road because as it stood, I still had to justify myself, the original charges of me being a traitor and affiliated with demons.

The silence continued until I was changed into a flowy beige halter dress. The dress was supposed to be the undergarment, but I refused the corset and at this point, no one challenged me.

Leo and I were finally let out of the room and brought to a large hall-like opening in the ground. Where stalagmites almost met stalactites, beautiful columns formed between the 30 ft high ceilings and the floor. Any space between the natural phenomenon was filled with gold which added for stability and beauty.

Despite the table being able to sit 32 people, King Dalok took one end, King Leo took the other, and a chair was pulled out for me exactly in the middle. It seemed like the pleasantries were over, it was now time to play the political game for my life.

The two men stared at each other as I cranked my head as I gawked at the beautiful room. I didn't realize how much I needed a change of scenery. Dalok was the first one brave enough to speak. "I'm happy you've been reunited with your sister, but we still have the issue that she attacked some of my men in a bar using sorcery."

"If my sister, the rightful ruler of the Suxolf Sea did attack your men, I can assume she had a good reason and did not use demonic magic to do so." Leo defended me without even asking what happened.

They went back and forward for a few minutes before I had enough. "Does someone care to ask me what happened because you're both wrong." The room went silent and Leo stared at me dumbfounded. I was tired and I didn't have the patience to listen to their insignificant squabbles about something they knew nothing about. "85-86 years ago a sorcerer took me - I didn't die or disappear. I was cursed and they used my life force for a spell, or so we assume."

"We?" Leo interrupted.

My gaze fell and I picked at the edges of the stone table, managing to make a few pieces the size of sand crumble away. "I'm getting there," I said in a cold tone before I continued to spin a believable tale. "I managed to get away, but I almost died. After a couple months, I ended up in Hollowview with a very thorough witch. She found out the curse was still draining me and started to give me these runes, tattoos. They're keeping me alive. Yes, they give me strength and different abilities, but without them, we can only theorize what would happen to me."

Uncomfortable glances were exchanged and let go of the breath I was unknowingly holding. I hoped my half-truths would be enough to convince them. "I'm sorry that happened," Dalok started, the tone told me I wouldn't like the second half of the sentence, "But how do we know it's the truth and it doesn't explain what happened with my men?"

"Are you calling my sister a liar?" Leo was quick to draw.

Raising my hand, I cut off the argument before it started. "I have people who can verify my story if need be. As for your men... well, I have a strict no weapons policy - the bar they were trying to enter is mine. They didn't want to listen, so I might have threatened them. I never actually used my magic though. People can also verify this."

The tension of the room eased as Dalok nodded, "It would be appreciated to hear their versions, thank you M'Lady." He spoke politely and glanced to Leo in hopes he'd have no objections.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?"

When I nodded, Dalok rose. "Then until we can get confirmation, you can stay here as my personal guests in the finest rooms Baswin Rise has to offer."

Leo stood, almost as a challenge or a blatant disregard of respect. "Once they have verified Leena's story, she is coming home." I didn't want to stay, I wanted to go to Hollowview, but that wasn't an option.

"I'd have it no other way," Dalok agreed.

The meeting came to a close with me telling Dalok about Cora, Kalliope, Mikael and Kane. He seemed the most interested with the Leader of the Unchained but agreed to receive word from all of them.

A servant brought Leo and me to our rooms, directly across from each other and my heart felt heavy. Everything I wanted a year ago was now anxiously waiting outside my door asking to come in. I had a family, had my own people, yet I still felt like an outsider, a loner. I didn't know where home was, but it wasn't with my not-so-little, little brother.

My eyes examined the room I was put into. It was just a fancier cell without chains in it. I had as many torches and candles going as possible, my hands trembled as I tried to hold the match still, but thankfully I managed to get the fires going. I thought the mundane task would calm me so I could face my brother, but it didn't work.

"Come on in," I finally put Leo out of his misery as I invited him inside as I blew out the match.

Everything which led to Leo hesitantly stepping through the hole carved into the stone played through my head again. "Thank you," he said gently as he looked me over. He looked just as uncomfortable as I felt, uncertain. He ran his fingers through his wavy chestnut brown hair which fell slightly unflattering now that it was dry and not floating behind him in the water. "How are you? Did they treat you okay?"

I chewed the inside the inside of my cheek, anything I told him would only cause more problems. If I behaved, kept my head down, I'd soon be breathing fresh air and feeling the sun on my skin.

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