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"Leena!" His voice boomed as I felt a weight on my chest and my arms pinned down above my head.

My eyes shot open as I gasped to see Kane sitting on top of me. My chest rapidly rose and fell with his as he stared down at me, wearing nothing except boxers. "It's okay Leena, relax, it's okay, it's just me," he said in a gentle tone as he hesitantly released my one wrist to caress my cheek. It was then I realized I was sweating. "That's it, you're okay, Honey." He mumbled and let out a breath he had been holding.

"What...?" I slowly started to ask as I looked around. It was still pitch black out and we were still in the horror motel room. What had happened?

Kane's hand moved from my check to along my neck, his touch brought goosebumps to my skin. "You were having a nightmare... You were screaming and thrashing in your sleep." His hand moved once again, this time to my side. With everything going on, I hadn't even noticed that my pajama shirt had slid up, exposing almost everything. "These scars where glowing..." He mumbled a moment later.

It was next to impossible to object to his touch, especially since he still had me pinned down. Kane didn't seem to even care as he pushed my shirt up more, his index finger wrapped in the material, and paused just below my breast. "Did the demon give you these?" He breathed as he looked at the 4 parallel scars which started just below my breast and went along to my back; the lowest one went to where my ribs ended.

I stared up at him, he didn't even seem phased by my glowing eyes this time. "No..." I finally mumbled.

"Do they hurt?" He asked as he dropped my shirt, just so I was barely covered as he ran a hand along my side.

I let out a shaky breath as I closed my eyes. "Always," I admitted under my breath. Aside from those scars and their mirrored twins on my other side, there wasn't a mark on me. There was no evidence from the demon or any prior battle I had been in.

Kane's eyes wandered across my body before he finally met my eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked softly. I hesitantly nodded and he smiled, "Good," he mumbled before doing something I never expected.

With one hand, he gripped onto my shirt and pulled it up and over my head. He left my arms tangled it in above my head, his other hand locking both of my wrists down. I didn't have time to protest as I felt Kane's hot lips pressed on my neck. I couldn't help but let out a surprised moan, squirming slightly under him.

"Kane..." I gasped and his grip tightened around my wrists as he heard my name. He pressed his hips against mine as his breath became more ragged.

I closed my eyes, my head recoiling from the rush of emotions and sensations. "Kane," my voice slowly turning into a protest. His lips left my neck and he quickly had them sealed against my lips to silence my objections; this was wrong.

Even if it was wrong, I responded to his kiss. I pushed against his hand which still had me pinned and his free hand came to my neck. A moment later, he slowly started to apply pressure as his kisses became messier.

Turning my head to the side, breathing was becoming increasingly difficult. "Kane," I gasped out, his grip getting even tighter. This wasn't right; this wasn't Kane. His lips sucked the skin at the crook of my neck, not realizing he was hurting me. I squirmed more before I gulped in a deep breath of air before screaming his name.

It was enough to snap him back to reality. Kane was off of me and across the room in a fraction of a second. He looked at me before glancing at his hands, like he didn't recognize his actions. "Leena... I-I'm sorry... I don't know why..." Kane was stumbling over his own words as he began to shake.

My entire body was trembling as I got up and adjusted my clothes, my hand going to my throat. "I know, I know Kane," I whispered, tears in my eyes.

"Leena, I am so sorry. Did I hurt you?" His voice was filled with fear.

I shook my head, finally catching my breath, "It was not your fault," I couldn't even look at him. "I am sorry Kane," I whispered as I headed for the door.

"Leena? Leena, where are you going?" He objected as I opened it.

I paused, my hand on the open door as I whispered, "The car... I do not want to hurt you again." I blinked and tears fell. I let out a whimper as they burned my skin, literally. A shiny sage coloured streak outlined their path, "I am sorry." I apologized again before shutting the door as I ran.

"Leena!" I could hear Kane cry out my name through the closed door, but he didn't open it. I rushed to our vehicle and climbed into the back seat as more tears began to fall. I gripped onto the seats and let out a sob of pain, both emotional and physical. We were in the right place or getting close to it. My powers were starting to return, and with them, their burdens. 

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