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"What did I miss?" I mumbled as my pace slowed as we came to the clearing where the camp was and it had exploded with life. There were now dozens of more people, Elves and magic users alike. There were more horses, weapons discarded on the ground, and tents were rapidly being put up.

Mylo seemed just as in awe as I was. "I have no idea. This wasn't around when we left," he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Something must've gone south. Let's try to find Kane."

Try was the main word there. With the rapid changes and everything else going on, it felt like I was back in New York City with people heading in every direction. Mylo and I did our best to navigate, but inevitably, we ran into someone. "Sorry!" The Elf was quick to apologize but froze when she actually turned to look at us. I chewed my lip and looked down as she examined me, "You must be the mermaid we were warned about. Master Ethan is set up in the big tent over there, waiting for you."

The conversation ended there as the Elf ran off and I glanced to Mylo, "Warned?"

"Don't take it personally, but come on." He said, motioning for me to follow him to the big tent.

I missed being able to knock on doors; I paused outside of the tent, but Mylo didn't and strolled right in. I wasn't ready to face Kane, but it didn't seem like I had a choice right now and I forced myself inside. It was calmer in here with Thalian, Kane, and a stranger all hunched over a table as they examined a map. "Jassin, this is Mylo and Leena," Kane was the first to speak as he pointed us out to the copper-haired Elf.

Her head bowed and she forced a smile, her yellow eyes scanning the two of us. "A pleasure," her accent was similar to Thalian's along with their eyes; I had a feeling they were probably both from the Root Tribe. "Can we start working now?"

Jassin was a real gem, "Yes, good idea," Kane said, too focused to recognize her rude tone. I didn't know if it was good or bad that Kane barely looked up at me as he tapped the map. "We sent out scouts to some of the smaller towns, just to get a lay of the land and see if anyone was hunting us." I sighed as I strolled over to the table and glanced down at the map. "Two scouts came back with a standard report from here and here," he pointed to two small towns. "Three more came back with reports that humans were dying without any reason. Only humans were affected and everyone grabbed what they could and headed back here. We have probably 100 people being brought in now and not enough supplies for them."

Mylo and I exchanged a look and Thalian sighed, "We should have enough soldiers to protect everyone, but we would have needed to start training yesterday." Thalian then went on pointing out different spots on the island which would be useful for lookouts.

"Wait, what is going on?" I asked as I rubbed the back of my neck and looked over the room. "What is this?" I motioned my hand in a circle to the table and everyone who stood around it.

Jassin groaned and crossed her arms over her chest. "I am the Citizen Liaison, Mylo has been nominated as the Magic Liaison-"

"I'm what?"

"Thalian is the Captain of the Guard and Ethan is our Commander. The real question is what are you doing here?" Jassin continued to talk right through Mylo's question.

I blinked a little bit caught off guard by her blunt insult and I tilted my head to the side. "Jassin," Kane muttered his breath to scold her.

Shaking my head, I stepped back, "No, there is no point in arguing Kane, she is right." Everyone seemed shocked by my comment. "Next time leave me sunbathing, the insults can wait," I said as I turned to leave.

"Leena," Thalian groaned, maybe I was being a tad overdramatic as I froze and glanced over my shoulder at him. "I asked for you here. I know what you can do, I know how much you care, and you did start all of this. You deserve to be here."

Jassin scoffed and waved Thalian off, "You cannot be serious, Ian," they did know each other. "What can one little mermaid do other than cause distractions?"

I did love when people questioned me. "You are the Citizen Liaison, correct?" I asked her a question instead of replying.


"And we are worried about people not having enough supplies?"

"Yes, but-"

Nodding, I motioned for them to follow me as I walked out of the tent. "Then order your people to put some buckets or something in a circle right there." I pointed a spot in the grass. Jassin glanced at Kane and he nodded in agreement to my request and she gave out the command.

Once that was done, I let out a long breath and focused on the water. I held out a hand and felt a rush through my system. It was like a jolt of electricity which made Jassin's snide comment a lot less harsh. "What is the point of this? Send her on her way and let us actually deal with our problems."

I took another long breath in as I raised my hand and a wall of water raised with it from the river. A hush fell over the camp to stare at the scene. My second hand joined my first one and moved perpendicular to the first. The water separated and the first batch dropped and I slowly pulled the water towards me. When it was in the barrels, I jerked my head violently as I disconnected from water with a stabbing headache. I began to laugh, "Like riding a bike," I said as I walked over to the water and dipped my hands into it to splash my face. "Still cold and completely fresh."

Despite the energy it took to separate the fresh water from the salt, it was exhilarating and I felt stronger than ever. "Shit," Kane muttered as I breathed heavily, people rushing over to get a cup full of water to cool themselves from the unforgiving sun as they worked. A few people even thanked me as I turned to them again. "What else can you do again?"

Thalian chuckled and shook his head as he smirked. "Better to ask her what she cannot do. Remember, she is now Queen of the Suxolf Sea. This water is now her water, she controls it and everything in it. She would be even stronger if she ever entered it." He was explaining to Kane and defending me from Jassin at the same time. "Now if that is not good enough, accept the fact that her species is more advanced than both of our physiologically."

"You are going to make me blush," truth was, I was loving watching the anger in Jassin's body language the more he talked.

Thalian rolled his eyes and continued when Kane gestured him to. "Better eyesight both during the day and at night, can run faster for longer, denser bones, practically impenetrable skin, three lungs which I always found interesting." I scoffed at that and he glanced at me with a raised brow, "What am I forgetting?"

"And don't your kind speak every language?" Mylo offered, coming to my aid as well.

"Do not forget my gorgeousness and ability to manipulate basically everyone."

"And look, she's humble to boot." Mylo joked as he laughed, walking back inside. "I can find a number of reasons I want her in this meeting. That's more than I can say about you, Carrot."

Jassin was about ready to blow as I walked past her and back inside the tent. It was a wonderful sight. I didn't mind sitting back, but I wasn't going to bossed around by everyone and their Uncle. 

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