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Teresa couldn't get what David said off her mind. Maybe Henry's too nervous to ask considering what happened last time. It was like playing the same song on the jukebox over and over again, something Henry has done a couple times just for her. Why hadn't Henry asked her out on their 'real first date' as Snow likes to put it. She knew that last time he tried setting up a romantic candlelight dinner with a movie on his cell phone in Camelot didn't turn out like he original thought, or how she thought for that matter, but why? Just why?

Did he think she would say no? Did he think she would burst into tears just like she did last time and run off? Was he scared to take another step forward in their relationship by asking her out to something other than Granny's Diner, the arcade and his house for movie night? If so, he honestly didn't know her as much as she thought because she would, of course, accept.

Heaving a heavy sigh, Teresa kicked a stone that was sitting on the sidewalk. It skipped, bouncing across the street and nearly hitting the tire of a car parked outside a house in Emma and Killian's neighborhood. She was sad and confused and infuriated all at once, and she wasn't sure if she could sit through another Star Wars film, which are incredibly long, with all these thoughts on her mind.

"Just man up and ask him, Teri," she whispers to herself.

A sudden noise and a low hiss coming from a set of large bushes causes her to pause. She swirls around, hand instantly ablaze with blue swirls of magic. Her fingers twitched, just waiting for the danger to jump out and make its self known to her.

The archer took a cautious step forward, her hand ready to throw a burst of ice cold magic that would stun them. "Who's there?" She calls.

She pauses again, listening intently to the noises. She even brushes her hair behind her ear with her free hand to hear better. She can hear the buzzing of bugs zipping around the nearest lamp pole and the chirping crickets singing in the night, even the sound of a distant car, but nothing from the bushes.

She takes another step forward, and this time the threat makes itself known. She stumbles back a step or two when a blur comes flying out of the greenery. She thrusts her hand forward, but misses, and lets out a laugh when she watches the cat run back home.

"A cat," she whispers to herself, shaking her head in disbelief. She had been ready to possibly kill a threat, yet it was a cat. She scoffs, turning and continuing on her previous path. Thanks to Hyde, every noise she hears even when hunting gets her in an uproar and puts her in a defensive mood.

Finally, she comes to a stop in front of the large blue house, and lets out another sigh before advancing forward.

She noticed Emma's yellow bug wasn't parked in the drive way, which could only mean she and Killian were out. Or something happened that forced Emma to stay down at the station. However, if it had been in regards of town trouble, surely David wouldn't have returned home to make them dinner. He would have been out helping Emma instead.

When she reached the door, she knocked thrice. The archer was silently cursing herself for not changing out of her work uniform, which consisted of shorts and a white t-shirt that had the Granny's Diner logo on it. Although she could adapt and live in colder temperatures far better than anyone else, she still wore her jacket. Plus Henry always worries that, despite her powers, she could still catch a cold and had to dress warm. The thought of him worrying causes a smile to tug onto her lips as she waits for the door to open.

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