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Rain poured heavily down on the lovesick teenagers as they ran hand-in-hand towards what everyone has been calling the Charming's home. As soon they got inside, they wiped their feet on the mat and hung their rain coats on the coat rack outside, which had been put up by Snow when she grew irritated of the constant puddle of rain that formed on the floor after dripping from their coats.

Teresa tousled her damp locks back as she glanced toward her boyfriend. "You cold?" She asks, knowing that he wasn't as compatable with cold temperatures like herself.

Receiving a shake of the head, Teresa then began heading for the kitchen. With Snow's absence, the teenagers knew that she was most likely having lunch with David down at the station, so this would leave just them to lunch together.

Teresa pulled out the bread, while as Henry began rummaging through the fridge for sandwhich items. He gathered them in his arms, placing them on the counter beside Teresa, and together they began making lunch. Afterwards, they sat at the table where Teresa began discussing what she thinks is going to happen during the next Star Wars film Return of the Jedi.

Given that Empire Strikes Back left off with a surprise, where Luke lost his arm just like his father, and the Jedi Knight Mikah Thodis that had once been hidden on Dagobah was now captured by Boba Fett. Teresa was at least glad that Shmi was alright through the duration of the film, but seeing her reunite with her father did leave Teresa wondering if maybe, just maybe, Shmi could bring her father back and they could be a family.

"I still don't understand though," Teresa says.

"What?" Henry asks.

"Why would Shmi tell Cassian who she really is, but not Luke or Leia?" Henry gave a shrug as he peeled the crust off his sandwich. "I mean, if she did, then maybe they wouldn't go around kissing each other."

Henry smirked. "In their defense, they didn't know who they were kissing."

"That just further proves my point," Teresa says. "Shmi needs to tell them before the kissing continues. However, I'm at least thankful that Leia actually loves Han. Maybe that'll stop the kissing."

Henry smirked, his brain already full of the Star Wars knowledge unlike his girlfriends. "Guess you'll just have to watch and find out." A few moments of silence passed before he spoke again. "So I talked to Violet yesterday, and she says she's available to hang out with us to tonight at the arcade."

Teresa smirked. "You that desperate to lose, Mills?"

Henry raised his eyebrows in surpise. "If I remember correctly, I beat you nine out of ten."

"For now. Your mother's been teaching me a thing or two about arcade games. Apparently, Emma used to play them as a kid all the time."

"You're going to my mom for arcade intelligence?" Henry chuckles.

"No I'm going to the one handed pirate for arcade intelligence," Teresa smirks. Rising from her chair, she heads to the sink to wash her dish. "Of course I'm going to your mother for help. Why would I ask my competition for it? It's time that you buy the pizza and milkshakes, Mills."

After washing her dish, she turned around to face him. "What time? Because I promised Snow that I would drop Neal off with Emma since they're going on a date tonight."

"The usual time," Henry replies just as his phone rings. He dug into his jacket and pulled it out, finding it to be his adoptive mother. Immediately, he answers it and brings his phone up to the side of his face. "Hey mom."

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