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Three days had come and gone, and the residents of Storybrooke, Maine, weren't any closer to finding out who murdered Teresa Holmes. On the first day, Emma and Regina completed their spell and found that Henry's soul had been unharmed by Teresa's passing, allowing them to set aside their worried thoughts and focus on finding Teresa's killer. But no matter how long and far they searched, they came up empty-handed. Everyone they questioned either had an alibi or could prove they hadn't done it. On the morning of the second day, they found another body. It was a man, floating face down in the water by the docks. When they pulled him out, they discovered that he was dead. Yet another murder had occurred at the docks, or at least they assumed it was murder. On the third day, Snow White began preparations for Teresa's funeral, unable to allow her best friend to rot away in the morgue any longer, and the rest of them could only watch as she worked hard to organize the perfect funeral for the one they had lost, finding it hard to help her as they grieved in their own way.

They piled inside Regina's manor, for that is where Henry wanted to be after he woke up, remaining in his room and refusing to come out. Snow White sat at the table in the kitchen, pouring over her work and trying to choose a flower arrangement that Teresa would have liked. David sat beside her, with Neal balanced on his knee and playing with a toy rattle. He knew he wasn't being much help to his wife, but being in her company brought Snow White the comfort she was needing right now. Killian and Emma were making lunch for everyone, hoping that Henry would eat, for he has been choosing to neglect his own health, while Regina Mills made a quick escape to Granny's for some cocoa that she hoped would shed some light on Henry's grim days.

A knock at the door captured their attention. Emma lifted her head from the stove where she was making grilled cheese sandwiches and she exchanged a look with Killian, who offered to go answer the door. When Killian reached the front door, he pulled open the door, surprised at who he found standing on the other side.


"Killian?" Her voice was full of confusion, having not expected to find the pirate answering her sister's door. "Is my sister here?"

"No, she's gone to get cocoa. She thought maybe it would help Henry," he replied.

"Well then, can I come in? I'm afraid it's urgent."

Nodding, he opened the door for her to walk in. Killian closed the door behind them before leading her to the kitchen where everyone turned to see who it was. Their faces lit up in surprise upon seeing Zelena and little Robin. After Regina told them about their spat and how Zelena rejected her sister's offer by moving out, they didn't expect to see her back so soon, and wondered if she was here to make amends.

"Zelena, what are you doing here?" asked Emma.

"I came to apologize to Regina," Zelena informed, "and to give my condolences. I heard what happened to Teresa. Who could do such a thing?"

"Unfortunately, we don't know," David muttered sadly.

Snow White offered her a slight smile, glad that she was here to make amends and be here for them as they mourned. Zelena and little Robin were family, and they deserved to be here and say goodbye to Teresa.

"You mean you haven't found out who done it yet?" Zelena asked, eyes wide.

"No," Emma replied.

"And we questioned everyone," added David.

"Not everyone, mate," Killian stated. "We have no idea where the Evil Queen is, or what she's planning next."

Zelena shook her head. "No, it wasn't her."

Emma narrowed her eyes. "How do you know she didn't do it?"

"Because I just with her," Zelena revealed, causing their eyes to widen. "After Regina and I fought, I left. I went to my house, and she came to me the next day. She wanted me to help her when the time came. At first, I agreed, desperate to have my sister. But then I realized that the Evil Queen wasn't my sister... Regina was. I knew I couldn't help her anymore, not without hurting any of you. So when I learned about Teresa, I confronted her, but she claimed she didn't do. I believed her, but still, I couldn't stay. When she left for the day, I made a run for it, and I came straight here."

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