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Storybrooke's most pink shop was the last place Teresa Holmes wanted to be on a Thursday afternoon. She wanted to be snuggling with Neal and watching one of his animated Disney movies in her fluffy socks right now but thanks to Snow and Emma, those plans we ruined when they forced her out of the house to go dress shopping for her and Henry's first date on Saturday. If she could, Teresa would much rather wear a pair of jeans and a nice shirt, but after Emma hinted that Henry had something special for them planned, Snow insisted that she had to dress for such an occasion, which lead to this moment.

Teresa Holmes stuck out like a sore thumb in the middle of the aisle, feeling sick to her stomach with all the pink clothes; the bright color suffocating her. She prayed that Snow wouldn't force her into one of them. God, she prayed.

"How about this one?" Snow White was holding up a satin pink dress for her to see, and the sight of it brought a look of disgust onto the teenager's face.

Teresa's nose crinkled up in disgust. "Ew."

Snow gave her a look and sighed as she placed the dress back on the rack before continuing her search. After a moment, she held up another dress, this one a more magenta pink that cinched at the waist with a silver bow. Teresa gave the same reaction, causing the raven-haired woman to sigh louder than before, irritated that she had held up at least a dozen dresses already.

"At this rate, you will not be wearing any dress to your date if you keep disliking every single one I find."

"That's the point." Teresa stared over the rack at her with a smirk. "I don't want to wear a dress."

"Emma said that Henry has something special for you guys planned."

Teresa rolled her eyes. "I know, Snow. But come on ─ pink? When have I ever worn pink?"

"She makes a fair point," Emma piped up from where she stood at a discounted rack, swiping through each article of clothing for something nice that would fit her son's girlfriend. Henry had told both her and Killian what he has planned for their first; The blonde would make sure she kept her promise to her son that his girlfriend dressed appropriately, as even Henry knew of Teresa's love for jeans.

"But Teri!" Snow grinned. "Pink would look so beautiful on you."

"I disagree," Teresa uttered.

Snow moved away from the pink dresses and toward another rack, patting Teresa on the arm as she walked by. "Don't be such a Debby Downer. You can suck it up and wear a dress for one evening."

Teresa raised a brow and turned around to face her friend. "I'm not being a Debby Downer, I'm just stating facts. I don't want to wear a dress, let alone a pink one."

"One evening won't kill you."

"It might," the teenager argued, causing Snow to throw her a quick look.

Emma smirked over her shoulder at them. "I bet you're glad you didn't have to argue over dresses with me, now."

Snow smiled sadly toward her daughter, and suddenly Emma felt guilty for saying what she said. "I would have given anything to watch you grow, Emma, you know that."

"I know, sorry. It just slipped out," Emma apologized, and her mother said nothing but gave her daughter a soft smile. Emma accepted the smile as a sign of forgiveness and turned around to keep searching through the rack of clothes, eventually coming upon one that most definitely fit the archer's style. She held it up with a questionable expression, asking, "What about this one?"

Teresa and Snow turned toward the Savior and their eyes fell upon a navy blue dress with silky mid-length sleeves that flowed a little past the knees, paired with a white cardigan made with similar material. The archer tilted her head to the side as she eyed the dress with uncertainty. She didn't want to one wear, but at least this one wasn't pink. That was a plus.

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