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When people hear the name Teresa Holmes, they think of the way the young woman can wield a bow just as good as Robin Hood and Princess Merida. And when they learn she was in love with someone, they always assume the boy is an archer himself, most likely with an attitude and a past similar to her own. Those people would be wrong, for Henry Mills is something Teresa didn't know she needed.

Sure, maybe Henry Mills isn't great at archery. And yeah, he wasn't born in the same world as herself and he can be a bit of a nerd with comic book characters but so what? Who was she to judge with the past she has behind her? A past Henry would look at her in a different light should he learn out of it. She found his obsessive love for comic books rather adorable, not that she would admit that out loud. Besides, sometimes opposites attract, as they have more to learn from each other.

If things were different and Teresa was born in the United States instead of the Enchanted Forest, most likely she would have become obsessed with the same superheroes as Henry Mills. But everything that has happened in her past happened for a reason, leading her by the hand to this exact moment. To her first date with her soulmate. To say she was nervous would be a huge understatement.

The platinum-blonde stood in front of her body-length mirror, clad in the navy blue dress and white cardigan she had bought. Snow White did her hair, the platinum strands curled and half pinned up in the back. The remaining strands elegantly fell down her back and over her shoulders, and her crystal mother's pendant rested against her skin, hidden beneath her dress. She hoped that Henry wouldn't notice it, as he has an undying need to remind her she need not subdue her magic when she has perfect control. Meanwhile, Teresa thought otherwise. If she had perfect control, why would her magic freeze over Storybrooke? She needed to wear it, just in case.

God, that dream.

It hovered over her, causing her to feel sick to her stomach with anxiety. She had eaten nothing all day, terrified that she would just throw it up. She had to get in the shower before getting into her dress to cleanse her body of the nervous sweat that clung to her skin. Teresa tried to figure out what Henry had prepared for them, hoping it's not some fancy dinner like in her dream.

Snow White's voice pulled the teenager away from her thoughts, causing the platinum-blonde to look at her in the mirror and hum a question in her throat. Snow White laughed and laid both her palms on Teresa's shoulders, reciting what she said before. "I said you look beautiful, Teresa."

The archer forced a smile, her mind too troubled to produce a real one. "I look unrecognizable," she uttered, and it was the truth.

Teresa Holmes looked unrecognizable, and she hated that, feeling out of place in her own skin, as she wasn't used to wearing make-up or dresses at all. She didn't like to wear make-up; Henry claims she doesn't need to either with her natural beauty. But she knew there was no going back now, that she would just have to suck it up and wear a dress and some make-up for one night. For Henry, as he most likely would arrive tonight wearing a suit of fine material, purchased by the former Mayor Mills.

The raven-haired woman clicked her tongue. "You do not! You look like the princess you are."

Teresa snorted. "I'm so far from a princess, Snow, it's not even funny."

"The clothes they wear and how they dine with poise posture shouldn't define a princess. A princess can be anyone they want to be. Look at me for example," Snow White smiled. "I was a spoiled little girl until the death of my mother. Then, I looked at life with a different light. I changed for the better, no longer caring about my crown and instead, my people. My father allowed me to take on a new love for archery, and I wasn't so afraid of horses anymore. I embraced who I was, and that made me the princess you later met. You are a princess, Teresa, and one whom I believe many children ─ Neal and Robin included ─ will become inspired by for her courage and compassion and strength. I'm not sure I would have survived your past, but you did, Teresa. You should be proud of the princess you are."

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