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We walked, behaving like magnets. I had to make a conscious effort to keep my distance from her, the vixen's pull so strong. Breathing in my nose and out of my mouth, hands buried in pockets, I tried to ignore the pounding in my chest.

I unlocked my car and sat in the driver's seat, staring straight ahead. She got in and buckled up, her body angled toward me. Her hand slowly began creeping toward my thigh.

Grabbing it before she could make contact, I pleaded with her. "Billie, no! We can't."

She gently removed her hand from mine, tilting her head. "But you want to." She raised a brow at my traitorous erection. "I can tell."

Attempting to re-direct attention, I changed the subject. "What about Norman? He seems pretty sweet on you." But, even as I talked about her with someone else, it made me feel extremely uncomfortable. Especially with that little shit.

I swallowed, asking the question I didn't entirely want the answer to. "How old are you anyway, Billie?"

"I'm eighteen, no problem with that!" She bounced, the scent of her hair permeated the car. Coconut.

Could be worse.

"But there is a problem! I'm your teacher. This just can't happen." Running my hands over the steering wheel, I tried to zone out her enticing smirk, her alluring gaze. "Come on, you know we can't."

I cursed the red light, having to stop. She wasted no time, unbuttoning her two top buttons before running her two fingers slowly up my gear stick. "Hmmm, I love a man who can drive a manual." The girl nibbled at her bottom lip, locking those impossibly green peepers onto mine, demanding attention.

I tilted my head to my window, my voice barely above a whisper, "you're not playing fair Billie."

"I didn't say I would, Washington." Her slender fingers ran up and down the side seam of my jeans. "Don't act like you don't like the danger, sweetie. You've got to admit that it's making it just that bit more exciting." 

The closer she got to my cock, my anxiety built. This can't happen, it's got to stop! But, it felt so fucking good. I was so fucking hard right now it was absurd, she was absolutely right. I'm sure the forbidden fruit factor was putting a special edge to it!

All the more reason to nip that shit in the bud!

"Enough now!" My voice broke at the end, revealing my lack of conviction. She took the hint though, the loud volume was enough to get her to ease up.

Billie sat back in her seat, fiddling with her long waves. "It's ok, I can wait Washington." It was weird watching her fidget, every movement before then had been calm, calculated.

I'd hurt her, but I couldn't worry about that now.

The rest of the car ride was excruciating. I flicked through the radio, every song about yearning, succumbing. I turned it over to the CD player and immediately regretted it. Imelda's sultry tones belted the very same song Billie sung the first day I met her. The original was poor in comparison to her rendition.

The smug little temptress batted her lashes and stayed silent. The girl knew she was on my mind, that she'd gotten under my skin.

Turning off the main road I looked over to her, and groaned at her cheeky smile. She knew that I had no clue where she lived, and would have to ask.

"So what's your address?" I grumbled.

"Just on Hay Street. Do you know where that is?"

I couldn't help but laugh, of course she lived on my street. It's just too rich, honestly.

"Yeah. What number?"


"Of course you do." I muttered. She was my next-door-fricken neighbour.

It was stupid, but I felt slightly saddened dropping her off. A more reasonable person would of been relieved to see the end of this torture, released from their torment.

But not me.

I even let her lean in and kiss me on the cheek. Taking a mental note of her soft caress, knowing I'd never let her do it again.

Billie leaned into my ear, lips grazing my lobe before whispering, "goodbye, neighbour."

Of course she knew. In this little town, how could she not? It was going to take a while to get used to this small town.

She left the car, leaning on the door frame, her breasts at eye level. "Play something for me tonight, will you? I came listening to you and your guitar last night."

I gulped. "Goodbye, Billie."

She shut the door, and wiggled those infuriatingly perfect hips all the way to her front porch.

Forcing myself to drag myself away from that display, I quickly parked my car in the driveway and jogged to my front door. I looked skyward, thankful that it was quiet on my street. I kicked my boots off and headed to the bathroom.

Time to manage this tent.

I'd surrender to the thought of her, then never again.

yeah buddy, keep telling yourself that ...

Shaking the unwelcome thought out of my head, I lay in my ivory standalone bath, closed my eyes and imagined her tropical scent permeating the air. She was a summer vacation, forget your troubles, get lost and explore her secrets kind of woman.

"I'm so glad you changed your mind Washington." Her raspy voice was so real in that moment, I could've sworn that she'd been laying there with me.

I lightly ran my hand up my arm, feather touches, just like she had at the Hotel. Unzipping my jeans, a clear picture of Billie in her bare glory came to me, massaging my cock. Last weeks activities came back to me in full HD. I pulled my already turgid cock out and slowly stroked, mimicking her previous pace.

Her short, staccato yips and cries when I'd taken her flowed into my head. She'd been so responsive, eager to reach her release.

I pictured her lithe body with a shimmering sheen of sweat. I'd Grabbed at her hips, driving her down to the hilt. My strokes became erratic at the thought of it. Those blazing emeralds begged me for more, tailored brow waving.

"You like that, baby?" I was so fucking close. "You like when I do that, Billie?" I grunted as my grip tightened, though it was nothing compared to being inside her.

The pressure was building, the peak of Everest was approaching.

Nothing could compare to the feel of her pussy enveloped around me, siphoning everything I had...

Ugh fuck!

Let's just say, it was lucky I was already in the bathroom.

Rock-a-Billie BluesWhere stories live. Discover now