Twenty One

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It was past midnight when I arrived home. My home was a disheveled reminder of the very moment that changed my life. And with a few words the carpet got pulled out just as quick.

A mixture of crickets and cicadas buzzed as I looked out the vast expanse of my back yard. The chill had creeped in so incrementally that I hadn't even noticed until that moment, pulling my jacket tight.

I felt like a dick, but I'd always wanted a family. When I closed my eyes I could picture Billy with a little baby on hip, with me doing whatever I could to make things right for her.

But maybe Billie will come to her senses, and realised how crazy this whole thing was, how we are.

My heart, and let's get serious, my dick, got me in major trouble. It's my job now to just be there for her. I'm going to have to make this right.


Knock, knock.

That wait at Trent's front door was physically painful. Looking back at that moment I would describe it as a rubber band. So much build up and tension, all for it to be released in one swift blow.

"You fucking prick!" And his bony fist made contact with my jaw. Hell, I don't know what else I was expecting.

My nose gushed crimson, coating my white tee.

"Dad, no!" Billie stood in front of me. How did I not realise that my life has become a soap opera?

Arms flailed. Screaming ensued. And I stood there, taking my well-deserved punishment.

"Get inside," Billie whispered, tugging at my stained shirt. "I'll clean that."

"You most certainly, fucking will not!" Trent's veins popped out of his long neck, and I could've sworn that his eyeballs bulged. "I've got half a mind to call the police, Morgan."

Billie shielded me, leading me up to her father's kitchen. "Just stop, Dad."

"We need to talk, Mr Davis." I pinch my nose and look that raging bull in the eyes. "It seems that you've been informed of our circumstances." I grasp Billie's shaking hand and squeeze. "I would've liked to have talked to Billie beforehand, but life doesn't work that way sometimes."

With clenched fists and gritted teeth, Trent sits at the breakfast bar, gesturing for me to sit beside him.

I agree. There's no need to Stoke this fire anymore. I let go of my nose and am thankful that it had stopped gushing. Billie hands me a tissue and I dab at my face.

"Now, I'd like to make heads and tails of this situation." His eyes darted to his daughter, who was standing proudly beside me.

I love you, Billie.

"Billie has informed me of the relationship you've engaged in." He paused, slowing down his breathing. "And that she's pregnant."

"Yes," I said.

He stabbed his index finger into his granite bench top. "She is also under the impression that you love her and that she's keeping—" he spluttered, as if the two lettered word contained cyanide. "It."

I looked over to her doe eyes, and smiled. She wants to keep our baby?

"There's only one way this is going to go that doesn't involve jail time for you, mate." His tone made me shiver, all heat turned glacial. "You talk sense into her and fix this, or I'll be calling triple zero. You hear me, creep?"

Billie's grip tightens on my bicep, and I turn around to her.

Her father huffed and garbled, but I focus on her. It's all for her now. "What do you want, Billie? Because I'm in, whatever you choose."

"I love you, Washington," she breathed, tears welling up. "And we can figure this out."

"You're going to do what you were out on this earth to do, and I'm going to be there every step of the way." My heart beats out of my chest, the truth liberating my tortured soul.

"No he won't. You'll be stuck at home playing house, Billie." He pushes me out of the way. "You're so much more than that."

"No!" My bass reverberated off all the hard surfaces in the kitchen. "She will finish school, if that's what she wants."

"How?" Trent spat. "How on Earth are you going to afford to support you, her and it?"

I swivelled my chair. "I've got a nest egg, and a property interstate." Holding me hands out I made my final plea. "I know from the outside this looks pretty terrible, and you just want the best for your daughter. I need you to know that we fell in love, not knowing who each other were."

Trent scoffed, but I continued, "all I can do is promise that I will move heaven and Earth for her. Because I'm the luckiest bastard in the world and she deserves everything." And without further ado I stand, kiss Billie on the forehead and said. "Whatever you decide, even if it doesn't involve me, I'll understand. Do what's best for you, Billie."

The unseasonably-cold chill set over me as I walked out of the house, both Billie and her father stunned still. All that's left to do is wait. Pulling a cigarette out, I light it and take a drag.

This time tomorrow I'd either be interstate or incarcerated.

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