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Shit, I've got to find her!

The callous words that I'd thrown at her came rolling back to me. It was so easy to forget that she's so young, a vulnerable woman that's trying to figure it all out. She'd been so strong, so self-assured and wouldn't take no for an answer.

I panicked.

I seriously hurt the girl.

Where the fuck is she?

Running full pelt out the door, I bashed my shoulder. The fucking thing hadn't opened quick enough! Scoping the grounds, I couldn't see any sign of her, but I did see Tim looking over his shoulder, then scratching at his nest.


He grimaced, I was not on his good cards at the moment. Not that I could blame him. He just shook his head at me, twitching. When I reached him, I couldn't contain myself, shaking him back and fourth. I was afraid of where she might go.

That desolate look in her eyes.

"Did you see her?"

"Who? Do uhh, you, uhhh, mean? The hysterical Billie that fled the music room?" The white of his eyes were so prominent when he looked at me, pissy disapproval radiating off him.

I growled, "I don't have time, I need to find her! I need to fix this!"

He patted my chest, taking all too long to respond to me. "Do you think that, uhhh would be a very good idea? Maybe I should go-"

"No Tim! Go to my senior class, please! I've gotta fix this!" I shoved him toward the cottage.

My eccentric colleague was obviously far from convinced, but pulled on the bottom of his button down and headed to the class. "Fuck me buddy! I don't like this. Don't be long!"

"Thank you!" I managed before heading to my car, hoping she'd turn up before that was necessary.

Running down the main corridor, I saw Billie duck out the back way, past the theatre room.

"Billie!" I yelled across the field as I broke through another set of double doors.

Thankfully, she stopped, but didn't turn around. She just stood next to the maintenance shed, trembling.

Approaching her cautiously, I lowered my voice. "I'm sorry Billie. I have not handled this well."

I was tempted to hold my hands out, comfort her. But I knew full well that couldn't be beneficial for either of us. Rekindling this volatile bushfire we've got going would surely consume us.

She finally turned around, beautiful green eyes were stained red. Her beautiful porcelain skin was splotchy, her chest flushed. Billie undid her hair, a cascade of chocolate waves filling the air with her signature scent.

Even then, she was breathtaking.

"It's alright...Mr. Morgan." Her tone higher than usual, full lips swollen. "I'm just being a silly girl." Her lips pouted, my ill chosen words coming back to haunt me.

Seeing her this upset was unbearable, I would've said anything in that moment to take away that pain. "You're not a silly girl, Billie. You're an amazing young woman. You've got your whole life ahead of you."

As she moved in closer, I froze. As much as I wanted to hold her, to kiss her, to carry her away, I couldn't. She wasn't making it easy, looking at me with those smouldering eyes. The space between us grew heavy with our fatal attraction.

"Why can't we?" My very own temptress stood so close now that her breath washed over me, pulling me in. Taking her bottom lip between her teeth, she ran her hands down my arms, a shameful groan escaping my lips. "Sparks flew, didn't they? I couldn't have been the only one to notice."

Gently holding her hands, I removed them from my arms, allowing me to think. "They certainly did darlin'. There's no denying that." I took a deep breath before considering my next words carefully, unlike last time. "But surely you don't want to mess around with an old timer like me. You could do so much better, trust me."

Whilst wiping at her eyes, she held her hands on her hips. "Don't you go telling me what I want, Washington. There's something here baby, and I want to explore it." She then pushed me into the side of the rickety shed, whispering into my ear, "and I know you want to as well."

With her hands splayed against my chest, I felt my convictions weaken. This girl was under my skin, and showed no signs of relenting. "Of course, but-"

As her soft lips connected with mine, I felt at home. She gripped onto my neck and flicked herself up, wrapping her legs around my waist. I gripped at her back, pressing her chest to mine, craving that closeness I'd fought against just moments ago.

If the groundskeeper came, and he could've at any moment, we would've been gone! But all I could think about was her body on mine and the euphoria I felt being tangled with her once again.

How was I ever going to stop? With her soft curves pressed against me, she made me defy all reason. I wanted to fuck her, take her right then and there. Regardless of the cost.

And I would have if the bell didn't go.

"Sweet Jesus."

... was the understatement of the century.

Without missing a beat, she untangled herself from me and straightened up. The only sign that anything had happened was our heaving chests and my painful erection.

"Well, Washington." She pulled my neck down before giving me a deep kiss, the type where breathing becomes a foreign concept. "My Daddy's outta town, and I'm a bit lonely. Whatever shall I do?"

This is foolish, the now meek voice chimed in my head. The logical part of my brain was fighting a losing battle. That was not the part of my brain that formulated my response. "If only you had a friendly neighbour to keep you company."

Billie's smile lit up everything around us, her eyes sparkled. She'd won. "You cook the dinner. I'll bring the movie." She gave my jeans a single stroke. "Not that we'll be watching it."

My heart pumped like crazy, warning me of the danger. But I was too far gone.

If I'm going to Hell, might as well have fun getting there.

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