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Upon reflection, I might've totally screwed the pooch in more ways than one. Shamefully, I was at the point where I had to place my hand on the wall behind me, ensuring I didn't accidentally gravitate toward her.

Get a grip Morgan!

An internal battle waged as I tried to determine what a normal amount of attention and eye contact would be. You know, if I wasn't fucking her.

She wasn't making it easy either.

Not that I would expect anything less.

Between her pen fiddling and Basic Instinct leg crossing, she was making it damn right impossible to not take her to the recording studio and lay down a few tracks.

Hard, head-throbbing tracks.

Focus on the rhythm Jeffrey.

Watching the metronome swing back and fourth to ninety beats per minute, I tried to gather my thoughts.

Improv today. This is gonna be interesting.

I shifted in my chair. Well, more interesting...

"Okay guys, listen up!"

The class focused on me, ready to start the lesson.

"Today we're going to test your chops. Are you up for that?"

"Yes sir!"

I picked up the orange beauty and began playing arpeggios. Creating a rhythm and key for the students to rock around with. "Alrighty my musicians, pick up your instrument of choice and let's get to it."

The class scurried around, sitting in front of their chosen instrument. The room was buzzing. And I fucking loved it.

Norman rolled his eyes before picking up the Gibson Les Paul. Such a fucking waste...

Billie didn't move. She just sat on the chair, legs spread wide as she massaged her thighs.

"Aren't you going to get a microphone Billie?" I tried to avoid her gaze. A feeble attempt at being nonchalant.

"Oh no Sir." Her fingers moved toward her core, not once breaking eye contact. "I can be quite loud when I want to be."

"Well, alright then."

We're going to have a serious chat later.

The room was silent. I hadn't realised that I'd stopped playing until all 15 pairs of peepers were set on me.


I cleared my throat. "Are we ready now?"

"Yes sir." They chorused.

"Beauty! Alright, I'm going to play a few chords, and when I point my head at you, you're gonna play eight bars of whatever comes out! No wrong answers, alright?"

But, as I looked around the room, all I saw was apprehensive faces.

All apart from Billie, confident smirk playing on those lips. "I'll start Mr Morgan!"

I nodded, playing an A minor.

Her signature vibrato started off the first bar, patiently building the crescendo. By the end, we were bouncing off each other, mimicking and building off cadences the other had created.

Her peer's cheers were explosive! There were only two people that seemed unimpressed.

Jodie. Arms crossed, moaning to herself, "now how are we supposed to follow that?"

Rock-a-Billie BluesWhere stories live. Discover now