chapter 5 (almost a kiss !!)

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Tapasvi pov:

"My mil listed me for some charity so i have to go for shopping,!"

I don't know if i can manage alone or not. I thought walking towards the corridor and bumped into Radhika looking into list of items..

Oops 😬😬 sry sissy.. I said..

It's ok.. Where are you rushing? Radhika asked..

Mom gave me some list of items to get from market.. So -!? BTW how's your work going on akka?

Going good, I'm working for a new project,. Radhi replied..

Oh that's great, congratulations akka..

Thanks tapasvi..

Akka shall we go for shopping? I asked..

No, actually i promised my friends.. We're going out, i hope you don't mind, radhi said..

Oh it's ok akka.. I'll manage on my own, tapasvi said walking out..

After shopping, driver took all the bags and kept them in the car,.

Oh no.. I forgot about medicines for my fil. Just wait a minute. I'll get medicines from the shop.. My mil said these will be available only in two stores..

Madam give me the prescription i'll bring them, you sit inside, driver said..

Ok TQ .  Here's the prescription and money..

I leaned  to the window and sighed in relief glancing at the road looking at the traffic now-a-days became horrible..

Is it radhi akka?? "What is she doing here?"
Why is she crying? And who's that stranger arguing with her? I thought looking at the other end of the road...

By the time I get down from the car, driver came back with medicines, "Ma'am shall we leave?"

Wait a min i said and turned to find akka but there's no sign of her!
Where did she go? Is she akka or not?

As soon as i reached home, I saw akka talking over the phone in the corridor.

Hey Tapasvi, "Where have you been?" Akka asked me..

Radhi akka you came back from shopping? I asked..

Yes, almost 1hr back I reached home,. Why? What happened? Radhi akka asked me..

Nothing akka.. Is everything alright? I asked..

Yes, radhi replied ..

Then why your face looks worried? I asked to find out..

No, maybe I'm tired, with work etc..
Ok leave this question and tell me what shopping have you done? Radhi akka asked..

Yes akka I'm tired of this bargaining.. Akka one moment I'll be back, saying that I left..

Oh god I worried for nothing!  I might have mistaken, seeing someone else,. Anyways i need to take this out from my mind,.

We finished our dinner earlier..

"Laxmi!" Bring all the clothes otherwise it'll get drenched in rain! My mil yelled from living room..

Ok  madam... Laxmi maa replied walking towards upstairs..

Everyone got back to their rooms, we were in our room, I changed into my shorts and tees.

What are you doing? Can't you see I'm working! My husband barked..

I know you're working, I'm just keeping these files aside, to make some space for myself as you filled whole bed with files,.

If you have work, you do.. Why should I sacrifice my sleep? Where am I going to sleep? I asked him..

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