chapter 14 (my past incident)

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the next morning was as regular sweet one ,i was in his arms but what about my fear and i must say bet which was very foolish thing i have ever done in my life,..


neelima is my friend who was angry with me long back but now she was being friendly with me i was happy as i got my friend back,. sorry i forgot to tell the reason for our fight,.. for that i have to share an incident which happened and made me lose faith in love!!

in my college days, i mean in my +2 my cousin sister married to the boy she loves, yes it was love marriage and was opposed by their parents and family members.. but i love my  sister a lot this made me meet her weekly and i used to spend some time with her,.. she was happy in her marriage but for how long??

after few months i requested my parents to let me stay in my cousin home till they return from the trip just for that one night ,.. but they are not convinced with me, after pleading them a lot and finally i got permission.

i took my bag with required things and headed to her home after finishing college, i as usual rang the door bell and this time a fake smile appeared on her face, i was not happy to see her like that lifeless,. i asked a lot for the reason behind it,.. she convinced me with her words but not my mind,..

there something happened!! she was not willing to say, as the time flew i saw her getting panicked listening to the door bell?? but why her steps were forcily taken towards the entrance and her hands were shaking to open the door,. soon entered her husband , she was talking to him very slow i can't even know what he was just furious and she was pleading him that was all i can see,..

  in past days all i saw was my sweet sister waiting for him and as soon as she hear the doorbell she used to move swiftly and as soon as she opens the door a warm hug welcomes and followed with a small kiss, don't worry i used to turn myself around closing my eyes, for their private moment,. after that my sister used to tap on my head u can turn now, i was happy to see them who were just example for true love,..

but now everything changed all i can see was hate instead of love??

that night was nothing more than a nightmare for me!!


we were having our dinner, which was silent with no more laughs, no more making her eat even he scolded for the dishes complaining it's of no taste, but everything was perfect like everytime,.. why is he scolding her unnecessarily??  

that night was horrible with her screams of crying, i was panicked to listen her begging leave me i'm sorry there was no love , i'll go back to my parents??

he was groaning it's impossible to get out once you entered the danger zone,..and don't even dream of leaving this place, this is a lifetime punishment for you,.

why have you changed don't you love me anymore?? yes, there was no love since beginning i just want to make you mine,. but you and your stupid condition everything after marriage made me got married to you,. i just want your__.. you are so mean to talk like that i was so stupid to fall for you even though my parents tried to convince me but i throwed them apart just for your stupid love sorry i must say lust,..

think whatever you want, everyman thinks just like me there is no love at all!! only people get married to their needs and quenching their thirst,.

shutup not everyone thinks like you devil, i believe in love my dad and my brother and every man loves their life partners whole heartedtly , you will never know the true meaning of love!!

oh really then i'm ready to show you my love or lust whatever you think,.. stop........... don't................ plszz............. no.......... her screams are still audible to me,.

that night i'm helpless and mostly got shocked all i remember was, i was crying leaning to the window, i don't know what happened next?? as soon as getting consious her screams and cries nooo......... i screamed loudly, all i can hear was my mom calling my name tapasvi, tapasvi open your eyes , and i opened my eyes i saw my mom beside me,.

mom !! mom........... sister.......... she................ she__!!! don't worry dear she was fine,. no mom.......... she was not fine i started crying, come with me right now we have to bring her back to home, plsszzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i cried falling down on the floor while getting up from bed,..

k fine you need to rest we'll bring her back i promise u my dear,.. plsz get back to sleep noo i pleaded but doctor arrived then i realised i was in hospital??  my mom sighed and i got injected , and i closed my eyes heavily,saying onething save her she is not fineee,...................

three days later,.....

i opened my eyes calling "mom"...... i was in my home..... but where were all?? i got down slowly i can't walk maybe weakness.. still the syringe needle was plastered to my left hand it's paining,. i opened the door and walked towards the hall everyone sitting sadly i walked ahead and saw my aunt (pedamma) my cousin  mom , and few other relatives sitting down on the floor crying?? i moved a little and saw_________ the photo frame of her and garland hanging to it!!!!!!!!!!!

i was collapsed down right there where i was standing, and everyone came to me hurriedly helping me to get up, i pushed them away screaming why did you not go and get her back??

i started crying and showing my anger on my own hand  for not helping my sister when she was in danger,..taking the syringe forcefully to which the blood was oozed out..... my mom got panicked and gave a tight slap , calm down my dad shouted on my mom,.. my mom took me into her hands and making me stop crying , my brother took care of my bleeding hand and made a bandage over it,.. 

when was is it happened mom?? that very night only, in the morning  we came directly to you and saw you lifeless and we reached the other room searching for her , she was lying horrible i can't even explain you,. we took both of you to the hospital but she was no more and coming to you doctor suggested to hide what happened so,.. mom i can't able to save her mom i hugged my mom crying and being helpless for getting weak at that moment,..

my aunt came to me "no dear it's not your mistake it's our mistake we didn't even find out how she was all these days!! if we did that she might be with us but___.." saying that she cried hugging me,..

it became heavy for me seeing everyone sad crying sobbing,.....

it took a long time for all of us to forget but it's not that easy,.. 

i entered my graduation,.. and there i met neelima, we became friends in short period but in final year everything changed,....

to be cont............

sorry for the late update,

i promise to update next chapter soon....

keep smiling,

don't forget to comment,.



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