Chapter 12 ~ Wings of Artemis

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Leon, Lily, Mia and Rafael arrived at a high class looking weapon shop.

The insides were kept clean and sparkling, and every one of their displayed weapons were also polished and well maintained.

A man in suit walked towards them right after they arrive.

"Welcome to Heaven's Forge. How can I help you?"

The man bowed courteously towards the four of them, surprising Lily, Mia and Rafael as they were not accustomed to being treated in such a way.

In contrast, Leon displayed no surprise nor confusion whatsoever. He had experienced such treatment countless time in the past after all.

"I would like to look for a bow."

"I understand. What rank of bow might you be looking for?"

Leon gave an intentionally vague answer to his question to try and fish out information. And as he hoped, the exact information that Leon wanted to confirm. The existence of equipment ranks.

He had confirmed the existence of skill and spell ranks, thus he hypothesized the existence of equipment ranks.

"C and B ranks please."

"Are you looking for a magic bow or regular ones sir?"

"I would like to see both of them please."

Leon didn't know the difference, thus he asked for both.

"I understand. I will lead you then. Please follow me."

Leon nodded and began following the man in suit.

The other three began following him too as they look around in awe from the beautiful and expensive weapons displayed in the shop.

Soon, they arrived at a counter where they were asked to wait while the man in suit went into a room to get a variety of bows which Leon asked for.

After a few minutes, the man returned with 4 bows in hand and placed them on the counter.

"These are the bows with the requirements you asked for. The 2 on the left are C ranks, and the 2 from the right are B ranks."

Leon looked at it calmly while the other three stared in awe with their mouth agape, probably from their appearance. However, the bows seemed to be more of a decoration, rather than a real weapon.

Leon used <<Examine>> on all bows due to his suspicion.

Unfortunately, his suspicion was dead on.

"What is the meaning of this?"

The man was visibly shaken and began sweating profusely as Leon glared at him.

"These are clearly E and D rank equipments with slightly better presentation. I'll ask once more. What is the meaning of this?"

Leon glared at him, exuding a frightening aura which could be felt even by the three behind him.

"I'm sorry 'bout that."

A man with a deep course voice came from the direction of the door the man in suit just came out from.

"I'm the one who asked him to bring out these bows to test you. If you have fallen for it, I would never sold anything to you."

A burly man walked towards them and explain the situation.


Leon was clearly emitting hostility towards the man who tried to scam him.

"Calm down lad. I told you I won't be selling it to you if you fall for it. The only reason why I had to test you is for your own safety."

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