Chapter 86.2 ~ Housewarming Party

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AN: Hope you guys enjoy this one! Again, a little bit of a long one which I hope you don't mind! Next chapter, new arc! Stay tuned~~~!!!!

Gardner, Yves and Leon decided to play a casual game of billiards as they talk about the thing Leon asked one of Gardner's staff in Heaven's Forge to tell him.

"Ho, so you want to see the S rank weapon I made?"

"Yes. I know this is an unreasonable request but there is something I want to clarify."

Leon hit ball 7 and successfully sinking it to the top right hole after bouncing it off ball 2.

"Is it to clarify its potency against the dark monsters?"

Yves wondered as she took aim at ball 9.

"Yes. It is very possible that stronger dark monsters exist and they might be more powerful than the dark ogre I sold to the guild."

"...The dark ogre is a disaster class monster. It would certainly be very problematic if something of that level or even stronger appear near settlements."

"Ah, our smithy have bought some materials that came from those dark monsters you mentioned from the guild. And I gotta say, those bones were incredibly hard and could conduct magic very well, it was almost on the same level of mithrils. If even the bones were on that level, that thing is certainly a monster."

"That was from the dark wolf Leon hunted a few months ago, Gardner. The materials of the dark ogre hasn't been made public since we need to use it for research."

"...Are you serious, Ms. Yves?"

"Yes, that is the gravity of the situation right now. However Leon, you and Crimson Lightning were able to defeat these creatures fairly easily no? How did you do it?"

At this point, it would be hard for Leon to conceal all the abilities of him and his friends any further. In addition, it would be better for Yves, the woman in the top of the adventurer's world, to know about the strength of these monsters and how to defeat it.

It would be beneficial for everyone if he told her something that would improve the strength of adventurers.

"Enchantments, Ms. Yves."


"Yes. Mr. Gardner, what is the maximum number of enchantments for a B rank weapon?"

"B rank weapon huh. The max would be 2, but the chance of enchanting the weapon is very low so there aren't many weapons with those kind of enchantment."

It was as Leon expected. This world was too far behind compared to Grandeur fantasia. After several investigations, Leon and his player assistant noticed something. The dark monsters might have something in relation to seven hardest raid dungeons in the game, the Seven Deadly Sins.

Those dungeons were incredibly challenging, even for level 100 players in Grandeur Fantasia. If this world was subjected into such challenge...

"Mr. Gardner, please forgive me for what I am about to say. I have no intention to depreciate your skills."

"It's fine. What do you want to say?"

"...The maximum number of enchantments one could have for a B rank weapon is 3."

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