Chapter 102.2 ~ Eagerness

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AN: Hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Wish you a nice day, if not, then I hope this helps :D

The sun has set, but the sky hasn't become entirely dark. It was twilight, and the sky had turned a shade of dark blue.

The day has nearly come to an end, and the streets were lit by oil lamp poles on the side of the streets, distanced uniformly from each other.

Leon moved swiftly, leaping from roof to roof of houses and buildings. It was a faster way to return to his mansion and he wouldn't have to bother other people by his quick movements.

He had used <<Stealth>> and casted <<Tailwind>> on himself, leaving not even the tiniest sound of a step.

Leon soon arrived to his mansion and was welcomed by his beautiful lovers, friends and servants.

"Welcome home, darling~!"

"Welcome home, my dear."

"W-Welcome home, m-my beloved..."

"Welcome home."

"Welcome home~"

"Yo, you got home just in time for dinner, Leon."

"Welcome home, Leon."

""Welcome home, My lord.""

"I'm home, everyone."

Leon brought Freya, Lily and Vyra into a hug and kissed their foreheads and lips.

"My lord, dinner has been prepared."

Bowing, Lloyd told Leon in a very respective tone.

"Thank you very much, Lloyd. I'm sorry to make you guys wait for me. Let's go eat now."

"No need to apologize, darling."

"Yes. We've always been eating together, so eating with one of us missing just wouldn't feel right."

Lily said with a bright smile that immediately washed away all his fatigue. He was truly blessed to return home to such a warm family.

"Stop flirting and let's go, you two! I'm hungry~!"

"Oh by the way, where's Victoria and Vincent, Mia?"

"They're in Yuki's room. They said there's something they want to show him about creating magic items."

"I see. You guys go ahead. I'll go visit them."


Mia and the others left the living room and went to the dining room along with Lloyd, Lisa and the servants. Leon went to Yuki's room and knocked softly on the door.

"W-Who is it...?"

"It's me, Yuki. May I come in?"

"L-L-Lord L-Leon...! O-O-Of course!"

"Ah, just stay there, Yuki~ Vincent will go get it okay?"

"E-Eh? B-B-But..."

Leon heard several familiar voices from within. It was Yuki and Victoria's voice. Vincent seemed to also be present. Sure enough, a few moments later, Vincent opened the door and Leon saw Victoria trying to keep the young boy in bed.

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