Chapter 70 ~ A Dream

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AN: 2 days back to back exams, then 2 more days back to back exams yet again starting from tomorrow... My spirit... My mana is getting low... Hope you enjoy this chapter~

A noble knight.

A knight who worked for a noble and great master. Striking down evil with his sword and defending the people with his shield.

One like those in the bedtime stories his mother read to him. Although drowning in drowsiness and sleepiness, the image of a proud, dignified knight would always be clear in his mind.

That was a dream he held, and something he yearned to be.

His father was once a proud knight of Arcland Kingdom, holding the position of the captain of a squad in the royal knight guards.

Under his father's tutelage, the personification of his dream, he trained in the way of the sword. Day and night, never stopping. Even when his body was tattered, grimed, or wet from the rain, he never let go of his sword, and keep his flame of determination burning still.

His reason wasn't a noble one. To defend the people was something that came with the role of a knight. However, his reason wasn't tainted by greed and vanity. He does not wish for riches and glory.

Many would ask him. What was his reason? What drove him to try so hard to become a knight?

It wasn't a high paying job that would ensure you to live comfortably unless you have a high standing. It was far from being a save job nor was it an exciting job if there were no battles to be fought.

They would understand if his drive was to gain his father's acknowledgement or if he has something to protect. But that wasn't it either.

His reason was simple.

It's simply because he wanted to be a knight of a great master. That and nothing more.

It baffled them. No one could understand it.

Many called him a fool. Many told him to give up.

Although he had talent and worked harder than anyone else, without any connections, something like entering the royal guards was but a faint dream.

His father, although a captain of a squad hold only a small influence, if any. His squad was a reserve squad whose job was mainly paperwork. It was far from what was depicted in the stories.

However he did not lose hope. Was he overly optimistic, or simply a fool who can't understand when to give up? Many would guess the later. However, he was the right one.

After taking a leap of faith and going to the royal capital to find a opportunity to become a knight, he found it. An open recruitment for a household knight of a noble.

Without even minding the amount of wage or benefits it offered, he took it and immediately tried out for it.

His years and years of hard work paid off and he easily passed and became a knight. That was already enough to make him jump overjoyed like a little girl. And he got even more overwhelmed when he realised that he would be working for the house of Gerard, the house of a powerful marquis. It was a dream come true. He finally became a knight of a great master.

Little did he knew that only half of his dream came true.

He continue working hard. With his zeal, passion, talent, honesty, friendliness, leadership and hard work, he became a knight captain in a few years. He had also found love and create a happy family with his wife.

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