Chapter 106.1 ~ Confessing

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AN: Hope you guys enjoy the chapter~!!! A bit short, but I hope you enjoy it regardless. Uni restarts tomorrow, but there'll be no changes in the schedule. Hope you guys have a great week~!!!!!

Leon talked with Arthur and Verand while Seara and Lidia were chatting livelily with their daughters over tea.

He didn't actually know what they were talking about since he was talking with the King and Royal Guard Commander, but he could hear excited giggles and shrieks similar to the ones he would hear from female students in the academy during their lunch break.

He had a casual and pleasant conversation with the king and the royal guard commander. No politics, discussions about the investigations of the dark monsters, or other serious conversations. They were simply chatting with each other just like how friends would.

"That reminds me... Leon, I have a request for you. I am not asking you to accept it, but I wish you would at least consider it."

"What would that be, your majesty?"

"It is actually about Lidia's brother..."

Lidia looked over to them when her name was mentioned and immediately knew what he was talking about. She sighed tiredly and massaged her forehead. Verand smiled helplessly at his wife's reaction while Iris sweatdropped.

Leon tilted his head in confusion when they react like this to the mention of Lidia's brother, but he waited and listened to Arthur.

"You see, he is a genius when it comes to financing. He was the best head of finance the kingdom has ever had, and he had also taught many under him and they too have become very valuable assets to the Kingdom. The current head of finance of this Kingdom is his best disciple."

Leon nodded and let him continue.

"But... He has a uhm... a quirk that made even his sister react like this. He's a calm and collected person, but when it comes to financing, he was... very hot-blooded."

"...There is no need to sugar coat it, your majesty. My brother is both an idiot and a genius when it comes to financing. Even until now, I still couldn't understand how he managed to be both..."

Everyone sweatdropped when Lidia let out a big sigh. Leon never thought there would be someone that would make Iris's mother react this way. She was such an energetic and elegant woman at the housewarming party. Even when she was competing with Vyra, Julia and Iris in table tennis, she never acted like this.

"A-Ahem... Well, he's what you would call a workaholic, Leon. But his burning passion for finance and work have caught a slight problem, you see."

"How does it cause anyone problem?"

"Well... He was supposed to be retired. He's about nine years older than Lidia, and all nobles should already retire about two years ago. But..."


"He's been coming to the castle and kept on working..."

Everyone went silent except for Lidia who was sighing yet again.

"He doesn't even mind not receiving any wages. He simply wanted to work. No problems occur during the first year he kept on working. Well, except for the fact that he kept working. But after that year, he had been complaining."

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