Chapter 9

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The next few days weren't very exciting. I spent them with Gabriel while he recovered. I'm surprised he wants to talk to me but then again he already knew about Guardian wolves.

One day he asked me a strange question. " Will you tell me a story?" He asked.

" What?"

"I want to hear a story," He said. It has been a pretty boring day so what the hell.

" Have you heard the story of how Guardian wolves came to be?"

" No. Can't say I have," He said, rolling over to face me.

" Well, 300 years ago, there was a werewolf pack living deep in the forests of England. One day, a group of rogues came and attacked the wolves. One wolf, a weak omega, went to the Alpha's son, since the original Alpha was killed, and said, 'Get the survivors out of here. I'll hold them off for as long as I can.'

The new Alpha looked at the omega and knew they wouldn't get far enough away, but nodded and gathered the remaining wolves and fled.

The omega grabbed a stick and lit it with the fire from the fire pit and threw it at the rogues. It landed in the grass and lit it up. Six of the ten wolves caught fire and fled into the woods.

The four rogues launched themselves at the omega. A big fight went on between the wolves. The omega lost, but did as promised and the pack got away.

The rogues believed the omega would die so they left him alone. Slowly the omega dragged himself away to die in the heart of the forest.

When he couldn't go no further, He collapsed under a big tree. That tree was the Yggdrasil, Tree of life.

The great tree had seen the fight and felt proud of the omega.

' Young wolf, your bravery on this day did not go unnoticed. I believe there is more in store for you. I will grant you a special gift. You will be stronger, faster, and bigger than any werewolf known. Your only job is to protect your pack from evil. You will be known as a Guardian wolf.'

And with that, a drop of sap fell from Yggdrasil and on the fur of the omega. Slowly the omega, still in wolf form, began to grow in size. His muscles grew and he got taller. A pattern grew on his fur and resembled the vine pattern hanging on the tree of life.

After it was done, he stood up and stretched. When he opened his eyes, they were a bright blue. He looked at the Yggdrasil and bowed his head in respect. He then howled and raced into the woods to become the first Guardian wolf." When I finished the story I looked at Gabriel. He was watching me and the look in his eyes was love, but there was pride there to. I smiled at him, "I love you Gabriel."

" I love you too Tessa," He said before bringing me in for a kiss. I stood up and lay down on the bed next to him and he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in close.

Before anything got too intense, we heard a commotion outside. There was growling, howls and the occasional yelp. We looked at each other before jumping out of bed and racing outside.

When we got out there, we saw wolves everywhere. They were all part of the Bloodmoon pack so we know it wasn't a rogue raid. I looked at the center of the conflict and saw the Bloodmoon pack trying to restrain something but it kept throwing them off.

It was then that I caught a scent I hadn't smelled in 6 months. I began running towards the fight, catching Gabriel off guard. " Stop! Don't attack! I know him!" I yelled at the ones trying to restrain him.

They began to back up, but they kept their heads down, teeth bared and muscles tense, ready for an attack. The wolf in the center was panting hard and was moving his eyes back and forth looking at the surrounding wolves. He had a few cuts on him, but seemed to be in good shape, unlike the gathered wolves who held up injured limbs or had deep cuts.

Valerie and the others came running outside and stopped in their tracks. " This can't be," Valerie said.

" Stiles, Look at me," I said to the Guardian wolf standing in front of me. He looked just like my wolf, black with the vine design all Guardian wolves have.

Stiles tensed, 'Tessa?', I heard through our mind link and began crying. He turned and looked at me. Then he charged at me, but before he ran into me, he shifted and grabbed me in a tight hug.

" Tessa, it is you! I found your scent but couldn't believe it! And it is you!" He said before crying along with me.

I pulled back first and looked at him. His black hair was long, indicating he stayed in the woods after the attack. He was around 6' but was still able to keep in good shape. Other than that, he looked just like me in many ways.

Gabriel came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. When Stiles saw that, he growled and shifted, putting me behind him. " Stiles! It's ok. This is Gabriel, you can trust him," I said as he began to stalk towards Gabriel, who had his hands up and began to back away.

The other wolves growled and began closing in on us. " Stop! No harm is to be done!" Gabriel yelled at the surrounding wolves, who immediately stopped.

" Stiles! You need to stop! He's my mate!" I yelled at him. He immediately stopped and tensed. Then he turned and faced me.

" He's an Alpha Tess. You know what they want to do with us!" He yelled.

" I know. But this pack is different.

They want to help."

He studied me for a while. "Ok Tess. I believe you," He turned and looked at Gabriel, then held out his hand. " Hey, I'm sorry. It's just hard to trust Alphas."

Gabriel took his hand and shook it. "No hard feelings. Now how bout we get you some clothes," He said while leading Stiles into the house.

Stiles looked down and laughed. " Ok," Gabriel smiled too, and lead him into the house. Before they went into the house Stiles turned and ran to me and gave me a big hug. " I'm glad your here," He pulled back and gave me a smile before heading back towards Gabriel.

When he was gone I began to cry. Valerie came up to me and hugged me. " It's ok. He's back and now we have to get ready for my birthday party!" She said and I laughed. She always knows how to cheer me up. So I let her lead me into the house to get ready.

-Hey guys!!! I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who are reading this book. I also want to say a very big thank you to Vale15. You are my best friend and without you, this book couldn't have been born. Happy birthday^.^ Anyone who loves this book needs to read Vale15's books. Thank you again guys and enjoy:)

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