Chapter 19

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Later that day Gabriel had gathered the pack members who were going to fight and brought them to the training field. It turns out everyone wanted to have a part in the battle. After some discussing we decided to have some of the older wolves stay and guard the houses and the children. Many complained but eventually Gabriel silenced them. Once everyone was sorted the training began. We started with one on one combat. I worked with Alex and Stiles since we wouldn't get any practice with the regular wolves and so far Alex has improved dramatically and whatever Stiles did while living in the woods has made him a great fighter.

We were sore after that, but we still stayed up most of the night looking over the territory and planning what type of battle strategy to use. Valerie threw her hands in the air, "I think we should do a front attack. Everyone should just run at them head on and Michael won't know what hit him."

"Maybe, but if he does expect it we could loose many wolves. I say ambush. We will have a few wolves in the front, a few in the back, and some on both sides that way they can be surrounded. If we have to, we can have some in the trees with guns in case something goes wrong." Gabriel's voice had a finality to it that no one wanted to question. Except me.

"What if he has both of those plans in mind? Then we really will loose people."

"And what do you suppose we do love?"

I went blank for a second. Then I looked at the map and and idea came to me. "You see this meadow right here?" I pointed to a large circle near the northern boundary, "I think that if we can get them into this clearing we can use both tactics and one more thing......," I took a deep breath because this next part will be tricky, "fire. If we can get all of Michael's men in that circle we can light up the surrounding area and have them trapped inside. It might make it easier to ambush as soon as that fire goes out the smoke will help mask blind them long enough for us to attack and take out a lot of their main warriors."

They all nodded and it was settled. Lissa and Dante would set the edge of the meadow on fire. When there is enough smoke in the air, they put it out and we will ambush Michael from all sides and take them by surprise. We still needed a lot of training so we all went to bed.

When I woke up Gabriel was already gone so I just got dressed in grey sweats and a t-shirt and headed down to breakfast. Valerie, Alex, and Rachel were the only ones in the kitchen. "The boys went to check out the meadow." Valerie didn't even look up when she said it. I was kinda curious about the meadow so I grabbed a couple of sausages and raced out the door. The others were confused for a second but eventually they followed me. We shifted and I ate my sausages on the run. Alex ran up next to me since she was the only one who could keep pace with me so I slowed down so that Valerie could keep pace with us. The sound of wings brought my eyes to the sky and I saw Dante and Lissa flying high above us.

When we reached the meadow we all shifted and joined the boys in the center. Gabriel looked up but then went back to looking around the meadow like a retard. "What are you doing?" He stopped going in a circle and looked at me.

"For your information I am seeing how big this meadow is." He went back to looking around and I looked at the other three who were sitting on the ground looking bored as hell.

"I don't even know why he needed us for this." Stiles was pulling grass up as he talked but immediately stopped when Rachel sat next to him. The others joined their mates and I walked up to Gabriel and put my hand on his shoulder.

" Come on. We have a week and a half before Michael comes and the pack still needs at least some more one on one combat."

He looked around one more time, "I have the measurements. We can leave now." He shifted and ran into the woods. I rolled my eyes and shifted and ran after him.

The first sighting of Michael's army came a week later. A scout for a nearby pack had seen them and told his alpha who in turn told Gabriel. With everyone trained all we had to do is lead the army into the meadow. That would be my job.

I would wait in the center of the meadow and when Michael and his army were inside, I would run out of the circle and Dante and Lissa will light the ground around the meadow on fire. Then we attack.

Today is the day. Michael is ten miles away from our border and we need to get in position. My heart is pounding and I am very nervous. 'What if it doesn't work and our pack falls all because of me?' Gabriel walked in and could see the distress on my face. He wrapped me in his arms and said it would be ok over and over again.

We sat like that until Valerie came in and told us it was time to go. We met the pack outside and Gabriel had them quiet down. " Today someone has threatened a pack member and when someone messes with one of us they mess with us all! Today we fight to defend our pack, our family and show them what happens when you mess with Bloodmoon!" Everyone cheered and those in wolf form howled. "Lets go!" Gabriel shifted and those joining us raced after him.

I paced in the center of the meadow. Every now and the I'll look over to the spot Gabriel is hiding and feel a tad bit better. Dante and Lissa were in the trees hidden from view. Everyone else is hidden at different points around the meadow.

The first sign of Michael was the sounds of growling and branches snapping. Then, off to my right, a large black wolf emerged from the shadows and when he looked at me his eyes glowed a blood red color. ' Ah Tessa. Come to give yourself up?' His voice echoed in my mind and I bared my teeth.

'Not quite.' I growled and turned, racing into the trees. I heard him and his army give chase but before they reached me, the meadow went up in flames.

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