Chapter 15

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    I don't know how long I was asleep before I felt the bed dip next to me. I groggily rolled over and came face to face to a smiling Gabriel. I don't know how long we laid there until he spoke. " Where did you run off to?"

     My smile fell and I will onto my back and looked at the ceiling. " My wolf took over and we ran to our house. The wolf that gave me the scar attacked me there but I killed him." I heard a low growl and looked over at Gabriel.

    "Did he hurt you?" I couldn't help it, I began to laugh and he looked at me strangely.

     " Of course not! You re talking to a powerful wolf here, no one can defeat me."

      He raised an eyebrow at me, "Is that a challenge?" He grabbed me and pulled me underneath him.

      I looked him squarely in the eyes, "Yes." I pulled his face to mine in a earth shattering kiss. All to soon he pulled away.

    "Why haven't you and Stiles tried to create Guardian wolves?"

    I sighed. "Because when you turn a human into a Guardian wolf, the wolf inside is wilder than a born one and this makes them tougher to handle. I've seen it happen before. My dad had a best friend who was human. One day a grizzly bear came out of no where and attacked them. Before my dad killed it, it had scratched his human friend was seriously injured." I took a deep breath before continuing, " The only way to save him was to turn him, and that's just what my dad did."

   He was quiet for a second. "What happened?" He asked softly.

     " H-his wolf side was too wild and took over. After who knows how long of trying to get him to calm down, my dad had to kill him. He was distant for weeks." I could feel the tear falling down my cheek and quickly wiped it away.

     He grabbed my wrists and lightly kissed my forehead. " Alex is strong. She'll make it." I smiled knowing he was right. " Now come on, lets get ready.

     Since I would be in wolf form for awhile, I was just going to wear the clothes I had on and put a robe on when I needed to be human.

     They had transformed the backyard into a type of ceremonial setting. There were torches scattered around casting an eerie glow to the area and there was a stage in the center. Apparently they thought this would be like their original turning ceremonies. I chuckled at this.

    Gabriel, Valerie, Damon, Derek, Stiles, and Alexandria joined me in looking at the stage. Alex was in a red robe while everyone else was in jeans and t - shirts. Stiles looked really upset about something and I went over to his side and gave his hand a squeeze. He gave me half smile and then turned away. I would ask him what was wrong later. Right now, pack members were filing in and getting seated.

   With a deep breath, Gabriel, Alex, and I walked up stage. " Pack members!" Gabriel's voice rang through the crowd and everyone fell quiet. " I have called you here for two things. First off, in three weeks, our pack will be in battle against alpha Michael and two other packs. He also has rogues with him." The crowd began to murmur things to each other but fell silent when Gabriel put his hand up. " I am not asking all of you to fight but if you are, then go see my beta after the ceremony. Training will start tomorrow.

     The second reason is that we plan on adding a knew wolf to the pack." Excitement raced through the crowd. " Alexandria Ortiz will be turned into a guardian with the help of alpha Tessa. We don't know how her new wolf will react so I will need all of you to move back." Everyone hurriedly moved back. Gabriel turned to me, "Tessa, time to shift." With that, he went and joined the others.

     I took a deep breath and turned into my black and white wolf. People gasped even though my wolf wasn't that special. Alex kneeled down and walked up to her and said a silent prayer that nothing will go wrong. Then I bit into her shoulder.

     Her piercing scream penetrated the silence and everyone gasped. I stepped back, afraid I screwed up and probably just killed my friend. Then her bones began to break.

     I could hear each and every break and see the muscle growing under her skin. Her bones melded back together and hair began to sprout along her body. Her face elongated into that of a wolf and her hands and feet turned to paws. She had stooped screaming now only because her vocal chords had changed as well and she could only whimper.

     I grabbed her robe in my jaws and tore it off her body just as her tail finished forming. In front of me played a large auburn wolf with the white vine pattern along her body.

    I went and nuzzled the side of her face. She whimpered and turned away. Then she slowly stood up and shook her head side to side causing her to stumble. ' Alex?' I used our new mind link to try to connect with her. She was startled and turned towards me. I met her hazel eyes but they were quickly replaced by dark ones.

    She bared her teeth at me and advanced on me. ' Alex, it's me Tessa. You need to fight her, fight your wolf.' She stopped coming towards me and I could tell she was fighting her wolf. Her eyes would go from hazel to dark and back.

   Finally her eyes stayed their beautiful hazel and I heard Alexandria's voice come to me quietly through the link, ' Tessa? Shifting sucks.' I laughed at her through the link and she came toward me and put her head under mine and puzzles my chin.

     I turned to the pack and howled. Alex soon joined me and the pack cheered. Gabriel and the others joined us on stage. " Pack members, I introduce Alexandria. Our newest member!" Gabriel yelled while smiling and everyone cheered louder and came up to the stage to meet our new guardian wolf.


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