The Persuasion

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Nina was woken up by the sound of the alarm clock that sat on her bedroom drawer.  Her first day at home had been amazing but one thing had not left her mind at any one minute. She had to request her father to let her go for the holiday at Erica's house.

Her father was the kind of man who never wanted her daughter to associate with rich kids. He hated the fact that rich people treated poor people less of humans. Maybe he was mean,  or even wrong, but he only wanted to protect her daughter.

Wake up silly,  you have a lot of persuasion to do. She thought.

She kicked the covers, got out of bed and dashed to the bathroom.

Looking at the reflection in the mirror, Nina saw the girl that she used to be.  The girl with a pretty face, hazel brown eyes, long blonde hair and well curved lips.  

That was the girl that had consciously let herself get hurt by some stupid jerk. She was naive, broken and scared.
It had been a year ever since Nina had bitterly called it quits with Ryan.  She had loved him deeply but he had broken her heart.  He had gotten her frazzled for a couple of months till she was strong enough to move on.

"Yeah yeah,  love was never meant for me", she grimaced, as she turned on the shower.

She took a quick bath and tersely got dressed.
She wore a pale pink dress that stretched to the level of her knees.

She expected to find her parents in the living room but neither of them was around.

"Where could they be!" She wondered.

She looked through the blinds at the back window and saw her mother tending to the roses.
One thing was true, her father was not around, she concluded after realizing that the truck was not in the compound.

She was very famished so she decided to get a snack.
"Anyway I'm so hungry right now.  I need something to eat.", Nina said, yawning.

It was past time for breakfast so she spread peanut butter on a slice of bread and poured herself a glass of milk for a simple snack.

As she was munching on the slice of bread, her phone vibrated at the receipt of a message.

Erica: Hey Nina,  how is your first week at home. I hope your family is doing okay.
I'm so excited to have you here next week.
You have to be here. Everyone is going to be here, it's gonna be so much fun.

Nina: Hey bff, home is always the best. I can't wait to be there. 
I still have a problem though. I haven't asked my dad for permission yet.

Erica: Well, I understand, but you can ask your mom for help.  I'm sure she won't hesitate.

Nina: I'm on it.  Don't worry.  I'll get it done.

"I need to find mum."  she sighed.

She took one more sip of milk and placed her plate and glass in the sink.
She scurried to the back door, revealing the most beautiful garden on opening it. 

It was her mother's garden of roses,in various colors, from the loveliest, the red rose,  pink,  yellow and white.
The perfume from the roses covered the whole backyard.

"Hey mum."

"Hey honey. I thought you were still in bed."

"I woke up a while a go.
Mum I need to ask a favour.", Nina said as she approached where her mother was.

"Is everything alright? Is there something wrong?", Mrs. Reed asked.

"Uhmm, yes.  I mean no.  Well,  yeah,  there's a bit of a problem.", Nina grimaced.

Erica invited me to her house for the holiday. I would really love to go but I don't know how I'm going to tell dad.
I need your help mum. She added.

"Oh,  Erica.
You must be excited, right! I can't promise you anything, but I'll find a way to persuade your father.
I'm a bit skeptical that he will accept your request but let's try to be positive okay.", Mrs. Reed urged.

"Thanks mum. I don't like negativity either.", Nina grinned.

Mrs. Reed decided that the family talk about Nina's trip over dinner. No one made a sound except the clunking of the forks on the plates. Nina's eyes kept moving from her plate, to her mom, then to her dad.

Mr. Reed noticed something wasn't right.
"Ummm, is everything alright here.", he asked as soon as the portion of the food in his mouth had made it's way down his throat.

"Honey,  there's something we want to talk to you about. Nina was invited to the Woods' house for the holiday.
She was wondering if you could let her go.", Mrs Reed stammered, looking straight at her husband.

Mr. Reed paused, placed his fork on the side of the plate and stared at his wife, then at Nina.

"It's Erica, isn't it?", he inquired, his gaze still glued to his daughter.

Nina could feel her dad staring at her.  She answered without looking up,  "She's my best friend, dad".

"I know.", Mr. Reed replied with an ironic smile.

"My answer is no.  And we're having no further discussions about it.", urged Mr. Reed.

Nina looked up to her dad in disappointment , stood up and left the dining room.

"Nina..  Nina come back here.", Mr. Reeds words fell on deaf ears.

"You didn't have to be so cold to her.  I'm sure there could have been a better way of rejecting her request other than what you just did. That was not fair. You did not even give her a chance.", Mrs. Reed blurted out.

"I think I just ruined everything.", Mr.  Reed sighed.

He stood up to go to Nina's room but his wife stopped him.

"I'll go talk to her.", he said.

"No,  I don't think she wants to see you right now.",  Mrs. Reed dissuaded him.

"We shall talk to her tomorrow. Let her be,  for now. She needs some space.", urged Mrs. Reed.

Meanwhile, Nina was on her bed,  face buried in her pillow, crying.
She never understood why her father hated the Woods.

"I knew it, I knew that he wouldn't listen.
He never has.  He will never forgive me. I'll always be responsible for what happened to mother.", Nina said amidst tears.

Mr. Reed held a grudge against Nina. He thought that it was her fault that his wife could not have more children.
This really hurts Nina but she never wanted to show her dad, she always acted like she did not mind it, around him,  but it hurt.

Hey loves
Do you think Mr. Reed is going to accept Nina's request?

Tell me what you think. Feel free to make suggestions to how I can improve the chapters.
Thanks you.

Bunches of love

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