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"Be good my darling. Take care of yourself my dear. Always be kind and never forget to say your prayers. I love you so much.", Mrs. Reed said as she cupped her daughter's face in her hands and kissed her cheek while they stood at the porch.

She hugged her daughter as Mr. Reed also inched closer to say his goodbyes.
Nina then turned to her father.

"Well. What can I say? Your mother has said everything. Just remember that we love you so much. Behave yourself my princess.", he said while holding Nina by her shoulders .

Nina fell in her father's embrace and hugged him tight. Tears pricked the edge of her eyes but she blinked them away, she didn't want to be so emotional.

She knew that if she cried, her mother would also cry and that was the last thing she wanted.

Nina had never been away from her parents for a long time.
She was not sure about how the holiday was going to be. But she hoped for the best. She hoped that everything was going to be alright.

Meanwhile, Erica and her dad stood by the car watching the trio exchange goodbyes.

"She is in good hands. No need to worry.", Mr. Woods assured Nina's parents.

"We shall take good care of her.", Erica added with a grin.

Nina's parents walked her to the car and kissed her goodbye. Mrs. Reed placed a red rose in her daughter's hand followed with a few words.

"Keep that with you and remember us whenever you see it.
Also, call us anytime you want to talk to anyone.", she said.

Mr. Reed opened the door for her. She sat in the car, having given him one last hug and waving her mother a flying kiss.

Mr. and Mrs. Reed looked on as the grand Cherokee left their compound. This was the first time their only child had left them.
It was going to be a long two weeks without her.

Meanwhile Erica and Nina were still in jolly moods after having not seen in each other for a whole week.

"I'm really happy that you managed to convinced your dad. For a while I thought that he was not going to let you come.", Erica said.

"It was not easy. He had refused at first, but my mom found a way to convince him."

"It must be that wifey charm. Huh!", Erica said with a quizzical look.

Nina looked at her in astonishment. "When did you start talking like that? ", she asked.

"Anyway, it must be the connection between two people in love.", Nina shrugged.

Mr. Woods' attention was focused to a newspaper but he would glance at the girls and give a simple smile at some moments.

"Hey girl. Look! We are here.", Erica said pointing out to the mansion that stood uphill on a huge stretch of land.

Nina looked outside the window and she was astounded at the sight. She could not help being astounded.

The house was not what she imagined. It was way beyond her imagination.
The road to the mansion was neat and the shrubs around it gave it a fine touch.

She couldn't believe that one family could own such a house.

Is it even a house or houses? She thought.

"Like the view?" That's just outside. Wait till you see the inside.", Erica bragged.

Nina turned to Erica her jaw still dropped.
"You mean to tell me that your father owns all this!"

"Well, this is just one of our property. We have another house back at the ranch and one house in the city.", she said.

"I think you're asking the wrong person.", Mr Woods interfered. "She knows nothing about my property. You can ask me anything you want to know Nina. Feel free."

"Thank you Mr Woods.", she replied shyly.

"Don't worry Nina. I'll show you everything you need to see.", Erica whispered to her.

Erica's father raised his eyebrows at the murmuring and then folded the newspaper because they had finally reached home.

Nina was about to open the door and Erica stopped her.
"Hey. Wait a moment. What's the rush. If you do that, then what should the driver do?"

"Oh! I almost forgot." Nina smiled, feeling a little embarrassed.

Damn it. How did I forget. She thought and bit her lip.

A man that looked to be in his late thirties opened the door. Mr. Woods stepped out first and the girls followed.

"Thank you.", Nina smiled at the man with a nod.

"Um. Rick, take Nina's bags inside and ask Cossy to put them in the room that was prepared for her.", Erica ordered.

"You're welcome home Nina. Finally, after months of wishing that you would come to pay me a visit, here you are.", she added.

Nina inched closer to Erica and placed her hand on Erica's shoulder.
"Patience pains but pays. You believe it now?."

"Yeah. True! Let's go inside already. You must be eager to have a look"

"I'm impatient.", Nina grinned.

Erica opened the wide doors to reveal the foyer. The floor was made of black Royal marble so that Nina could see a reflection of her face in it.

The walls white as snow, long satin curtains that fell to the floor. The sitting room had a huge flat screen TV hanging against the wall to which all the white sofas faced.

Nina had never seen a more luxurious home her whole life. Everything was neat and well placed.

The florid pillows in the sofas pointed out how exquisite their lifestyle must have been. The walls had few family portraits and more paintings that Nina deemed priceless.

She recognized one, it was Mona Lisa's. She moved closer to the wall to have a better look.

This must cost a fortune. She thought to herself.

"That's original", Erica called out.

"Wow!", The word came out as a whisper from Nina's mouth. She passed her hand over the antique, still amazed at its beauty.

She turned around scrutinizing each and every detail of the house until her eyes landed back to Erica.
"You have a beautiful home Erica."

I wish I could stay here forever. Her mind said to her.

The thought in Nina's mind was very far from coming true.
But well, why come to conclusions so soon, her life had barely started, she would be eighteen in a few days.

Maybe if she worked hard and got married to a loaded man,  she could own a mansion herself, maybe.

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