Pool Party

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The only sound from the dining table was the clinking of plates, forks, spoons and cups. Everyone seemed to be enjoying their breakfast.

Mrs. Woods broke the silence when she spoke. "So how was your first day here, Nina."

"Um... It was actually fun, she said, with a grin. "Erica gave me a quite a treat. We had some snacks and watched movies till late. I don't even remember the time we went upstairs to sleep."

Mr. Woods had reached a cup of coffee to his lips but he paused. " Are you telling me Erica did all that for you?"

"Dad! What do you mean?", Erica said, sounding a little surprised.
"I'm one of the nicest kids in the planet." She added sarcastically.

"Steve. Don't do that to my little girl. She's mean at times, but she's really a nice person." Mrs. Wood put in.

"Margaret have you forgotten what happened on her sixth birthday", Mr. Woods said. "She kicked the neighbor's daughter out of her party.
Poor Niki had to leave the party before it even started. She cried all the way home.
I'm sure they hate us till today."

" Yes love. How can I forget? We lived in those clumsy apartments back then. I can never forget how I had to put up with noisy neighbors every day." Mrs. Wood said as she recalled, her fingers intertwined to support her jaw.

Nina was at a loss of words. Surely there was no way she could interrupt their conversation.
She decided to focus on finishing her breakfast instead.

The Woods had totally forgotten that there was another person at the table, who had no clue about what was going on.

"Oh! Sorry Nina. We almost forgot that you're here," Mrs. Wood said when she recovered from her moment of reminiscing.

Mr. Woods added on after his wife, to clarify more about their schedule and lifestyle.
"My wife and I are always traveling, checking on our businesses in other countries. So we're rarely here and we're not really used to having visitors when we're here."

"We shall be leaving for London after Tom returns from college," said a seemingly proud Mrs. Woods.

"Talking about Tom," Mr. Woods cut in.
"He's coming tomorrow. So, I guess you two won't be so bored. You can always take one of the cars and go to the mall.
Do some shopping, go to the cinema, you know.
Have fun! It's a holiday."

Erica could not help but show her excitement.
"Really dad. Tom's coming tomorrow. Just saw him on TV this morning. His team won again."

"My boy has never disappointed," Mr. Woods said with a smug smile.

"Alright. That's enough talk already. Let's all finish up with breakfast." Mrs. Wood said and the whole room fell dead silent.

After breakfast, Nina's parents went to town . Nina didn't know what they were going to do the rest of the day, but Erica had a bunch of ideas.

"So, what do you say about pool party today?" She grinned.

"Yeah. Sure. It's hot anyway." Nina had no better idea so she agreed with Erica's.

"Cool. I'll go get some wine and then connect the speakers by the pool. You go to your room and get what you need."

Nina went to her room, changed into her swimsuit and then moved to the poolside. She found that Erica was already there.

"Oh! You're here already. That was fast."

"I need to feel the water against my body," Eirca said. "It's pretty hot today. It's just eleven in the morning and it's this hot! Great!"

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