One Condition

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On the other side of the house, Mr. Reed sat on his bed covered by a white duvet up-to his waist, reading a newspaper.

Mrs. Reed came out of the bathroom, drying her hair with a towel and she carefully sat on the chair in front of the mirror.

Looking at her husband through the glass she said,
" We really have to talk you know. About Nina."

She waited to see her husband react to what she had said but it was like her words had fallen on deaf ears.
She picked her hair dryer,  turned it on and went ahead with her hair.

"Honey that thing is so loud", he yelled, trying to compete with the sound of the machine.

"Well, you didn't want to notice me so I made sure that you do.", Mrs. Reed yelled back with a shrug.

"Alright, turn it off and we'll have a chat.", Mr. Reed blurted.

"Let me get done with my hair. It's still damp.", she waved off his complaint.

"Oh my goodness.", Mr. Reed sighed.

After making sure that her hair was properly dry. She turned off the dryer and organised the bottles of lotion atop her mirror drawers in their right places.

"So, are you ready to talk?", she asked as she snuggled into the covers.

"I don't like the idea of my daughter going to that house. Have you thought about how she'll be treated? She will be an outcast.", Mr. Reed explained.

"I know honey, I know. But what choice do we have? She has never been to any kind of vacation. She has not been anywhere. She has not seen the world. All she knows is what she has learned here and maybe at school.", Mrs Reed said.

"Nina is not used to a lavish kind of living. What if she tastes it and she starts asking for things that we can't afford to buy her!", the former said.

"I know that this is hard for you. It's hard for me too. Let's give her this chance. Let her move, see things, meet new people, learn how different people behave.

Let her explore on her own. Maybe us telling her that some people are not friendly is not enough, if she finds out on her own it will be a lesson learned.
Remember that next week is her eighteenth birthday, consider this your gift to her.", Mrs. Reed consoled her husband using her thumb to stroke the top of his hand.

"Wow! You got some reasoning there! I guess that's why I fell in love with you.", he said, turning to face his wife with eye brows raised, a grin,and his face was lit with amazement.
He kissed her on the cheek, sending her into chuckles.

"Okay, I'll let her go but on condition that she stays there for only four weeks.", Mr. Reed urged.

Mrs. Reed burst into laughter till her stomach hurt. Her husband could not make out what the reason for her excitement was.

"Did I say something funny?", he asked with a baffled face.

"Oh God. Honey! Her holiday is four weeks, and the first week is almost done.", Mrs. Reed said through giggles.

"Ah! I must be aging way faster than you.", he said, realising how embarrassed he was.
His statement sent both of them into louder laughter.

Mr and Mrs Reeds finally came to an agreement.
"Alright honey. Let us give her two weeks. She will use that time to learn more about herself and about other people."

They agreed that she would go to the Woods house, only two weeks of her holiday.

The following day at breakfast, Mr and Mrs. Reed talked to their daughter about their decision.

"Aaah,  Nina, we've decided to let you go for the holiday at your friend's house." Mr.  Reeds voice broke the silence.

For some time it was only the clattering of forks against plates and spoons against cups that made a sound.

Nina looked up from her plate.
"Really, are you guys serious?", she asked, not sure if it was a joke or not.

"Yes honey.", said Mrs Reed.  Your father and I agreed that you should go for the holiday at the Woods house but we have a condition.

"What is it? Anything you want me to do,  I'll do it.  I will be good I promise. Just allow me to go. Please!" Nina swore.

"You can only stay for two weeks. You will have to be back here during the last week of the holiday.", her father said.

"Okay. That's alright with me. You don't know how much this means to me.",  Nina said as she hugged her mother from behind.
She then went on to where her dad was seated, to express her joy and gratitude.

"Thanks Dad. I'm.... "
He wrapped her in his arms and let her feel how much he loved her. Nina hugged her father back and buried herself in his embrace.

"There's something else.", Mr. Reed said over Nina's head. He pulled away and looked straight in her eyes, still holding her shoulders and he said.

"For a long time I have blamed you for what happened to your mother. I have denied you a place that you rightfully deserve, in my heart. It was so hard hard for me all this time to think that I would never have children again. I want to ask for your forgiveness Nina. You're my only daughter, my only child and I will do anything I can to see you happy.
I am sorry sweetheart."

Nina had been unable to contain all her father's words. She was sobbing at his outpour.

She threw herself in her father's chest once again, her sobs getting even louder. She had lived in despair, she had carried a burden of guilt all this while.
It was time to let it go. It was time to right all the wrong and make her family whole again.

"It's okay dad.", Nina managed to say against her father's chest. You don't have to apologize.  You were put in a difficult situation. You had to take in pain that you were not ready for. But from today on,  we're good.

She pulled away and looked at her father, and said."Whatever comes our way again, we shall face it together. We shouldn't let problems take away our joy. We deserve to be happy."

"And whole.", a teary Mrs. Reed put in as she approached the two and joined in on a family hug.

"I'm sorry Em. From today on,  I'll put you two first, no matter what. I won't let anything or anybody get between us. I love you both.  You're the most important women in my life.", Mr Reed said in a husky voice.

Nina and her dad managed to put right what had long gone wrong. There was no more bad blood between them.
Her family was whole again, and happy, and she was going for a little vacation.
The amount of joy that Nina felt at that moment was, beyond explanation.

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