I will protect you - Cas x Reader: Part One (NS)

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Yellow eyes
Those eyes were burned into your memory. There wasn't a night that passed that you didn't dream of those yellow eyes.

You sit up in bed, rubbing your face with the palm of your hand, trying to clear your nose of the imaginary sulfer scent left behind by your nightmare. You look to your left and see Sam laying on the hotel sofa, one arm hanging off, laying palm up towards you. To your right is Dean, laying on the other twin sized bed beside you, the same way but with the other arm outstretched. The boys always slept like this, their extremities always pointed towards each other, as if even in their sleep they felt the need to protect each other, and you. You quietly slip out of bed and tip toe to the bathroom, you close the door and place your forehead against the cold wood.
"Goddamn nightmares." You sigh.
A sound behind you makes you turn around, and as you do you see Cas standing in the middle of the bathroom, staring questioningly at the toilet.
"Cas what are you doing here?" You ask, pushing your hand through your hair. Cas turns his eyes to you and frowns.
"I sensed you were in distress." He replies
"Cas how many times have I told you to stop keeping tabs on me? I'm fine!" You walk past Cas to the sink and splash water on your face. Cas watches you with that head tilt you've grown to love. You smirk to yourself 'he's so cute when he looks confused' you think.
"You feel I disturb your privacy." He replies in an all to serious tone
"Yes. I do." You reply, crossing your arms over your chest.
"I have to listen so that I can protect you. Privacy is not a matter in this case."
You slap your palm against your forehead. "Yes it is Cas, and I do not need your protection." Cas frowns again
"The fractured rib and stitches on your side speak differently." He says, pointing towards your left side. You instinctively touch your ribs, hissing in pain.
"It's not that bad." You say defiantly. Cas seems to ignore you as he takes a step forward, focusing on your ribs. He approaches until he is just inches from your face, stares deeply into your eyes and your breath catches in your throat. You can feel his warm breath on your chest and smell his scent, you know he doesn't wear cologne, your not even sure he showers, but he smells clean and fresh and like a man should. Unlike the mixture of gas, beer and man stink than emanates from Dean. You gaze back into his eyes and lean forward slightly without really thinking about it. Cas tilts his head slightly and raises his hand to your face. For one second the thought flashes through your mind 'is he gonna kiss me?' But as you finish the thought, he presses his fingers against your forehead and closes his eyes. 'Oh, right.' You think. He removes his fingers from your skin and turns his attention to your ribs, he lifts your and removes your bandages, revealing your ribs perfectly unscathed.
"You are healed" he says. You shift uncomfortably, pulling your shirt back down over your skin.
"Uh, thanks. Let it be known I didn't ask for that." Cas tilts his head
"Are you not grateful?" He asks
"Of course I am, I just wish you would let me take care of myself." You roll your eyes
"I have to protect you." He says again
"No you don't." You reply, staring into his eyes. A thought flashes through your mind again 'god he's got beautiful eyes.' You shake your head as if to rid yourself of the thought. "I'm fine now, Cas. You can go." You turn back to the sink and look into the mirror. Behind you Cas looks as though he is having a mental battle to decide something, after a moment he blinks and frowns at your reflection
"I will watch over you." You sigh and roll your eyes
"I have two capable men sleeping in the next room, if anything wants to get to me it will have to get through them first. I'll be fine." Cas' frown deepens
"I will come watch over you. Come along, let's get you back in bed." You follow, knowing once Cas has made up his mind the only person who can change it is Dean, and even his skills of persuasion haven't been working lately. You slip back between the covers and lay your head on the pillow, Cas is standing at the foot of the bed looking confused.
"What's the matter?" You ask
"I was planning on sitting on the couch but it is being slept on by Sam. And Dean is on the other bed. So I guess I will stand over you." Cas returns to his stiff, soldier like stance and focuses his eyes on you. You roll your eyes and move over, making room on the already small bed.
"Come here, it's creepy to stand over sleeping women." You pat the spot next to you and Cas comes over to sit after some thought.
"I suppose this will do." He replies. You laugh and pat his thigh.
"Goodnight Castiel." You say quietly
"Goodnight, Y/N" he replies
You body urges to move closer to Cas but something holds you back. It would probably only confuse him anyway. As you finish the thought you feel a hand land upon your back, you open one eye and look up to see Cas staring down at you, with an expression you've never seen before. His hand absentmindedly tracing up and down your back. You sigh comfortably and move closer into Cas' side. As you drift off to sleep you could swear you hear Cas mumbling to himself, but before you can think about it too much you fall into the darkness of deep sleep.

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