Don't Tell Dean - Part 4 (NS)

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You sit listening to the boys screaming at each other in the bunker when Suddenly the noise stops. You hear quiet murmuring and decide you better investigate, lest you finally make your decision and come out to find Dean sitting on Sam's beheaded body or something. You round the corner and see Cas, standing between the boys, one hand on Deans heaving chest, one hand pointing at Sam. Cas' eyes are dark and scary, and his voice is lower and more Batman like than you've ever heard it. You semi hide behind the wall, listening to the conversation taking place. Cas' eyes are burning holes through Sam's and Sam is glaring back.
"What was the rule?" Cas growls
"Cas, you don't get I-" Sam starts. Cas lunges froward, sticking his finger in Sam's face and effectively dragging Dean forward with him.
"What was the rule?" Cas asks again. Sam sighs and pushes his hands through his hair.
"No hurting Y/N." he finally says, so quietly it's almost a whisper
"That's right. And what did both of you do?!" Cas shifts his gaze between the brothers and they look ashamedly down at the floor.
"We know, Cas. But for me it wasn't intentional." Dean says, looking up with pointed daggers at Sam, Sam returns the glare and Cas takes a deep breath between them.
"You two realize I have the ability to know which of you is lying, right." The boys nod, both not wavering
"Yeah, Dean. He knows your lying." Sam says. Deans nostrils flare in return and he sticks his finger in Sam's face.
"You know all the crap you told her was bullshit! I never cheated on her!" Dean bellows. Sam smirks, which only angers Dean more, he makes a lunge for Sam but Cas holds him back.
"Enough!" Cas shouts. He closes his eyes and is silent for a moment. "You better tell her. Or I will." He says seemingly to no one in particular.
"Cas-" both brothers begin, then shift their gaze to glare at each other.
"Either you tell her. Or I will." He says again, and then turns to take a seat at the bunker table, crossing his arms over his chest and watching them. The boys exchange glances and then revert back to their stony expressions.
You lean against the wall on the other side of the hallway, trying to digest what just happened. You wished Cas would have addressed the offender directly, so you would know who it was before they came to speak to you, it would have given you time to conduct a response. You rub your face and head back to your room, taking your spot on the bed and hanging your head into your hands again. Loud, heavy footsteps interrupt your thoughts and you wince, knowing the footsteps belong to Dean's combat boot clad feet. You hold your breath and wait.
"Y/N, we need to talk." It was Sam's voice. You look up, confused and see both boys standing before you. You look from face to face trying to detect a hint of remorse on either one, but you come up empty.
"What?" You ask. Sam steps forward and Dean shifts his gaze from you to him, his eyes narrowing slightly.
"Y/N" he begins "It was me. I lied. I just... I don't know how to explain myself and it was an awful, awful thing but. I'm sorry" he hangs his head like a puppy and for a split second you feel bad for him, and then you remember what he did. You remember him making you believe your boyfriend was cheating on you just to get you into bed. You remember him kissing you on the road and causing your whole life to spiral in two seconds. Anger overwhelms you and you step forward, Sam looks up at you, mouth open to say something but before he can you pull your dust back and punch him square in the nose. His head knocks back and his hands fly to his face. His eyes meet yours again and he nods.
"Yeah, I deserved that." He says
"Yeah. You did." Dean growls, still glaring at the back of Sam's head. His eyes shift to you and soften, he steps forward and opens his mouth and you hold up your hand.
"Just, give me a second." You say, turning your attention back to Sam. You stare him hard in the eyes and try to think of something to say, something that sums up how you will never truly forgive him for this. But you come up empty. You shake your head and turn around.
"Sam, just get the fuck out." You finally say
"Y/N.." Sam begins but Dean steps between you and turns to face him
"She said get out, Sammy." He says, effectively issuing a final warning. You hear Sam turn and leave the room. You turn to look at Dean.
"I'm sorry" you say slowly. Deans features soften immediately and he wraps his arms around your waist. You lean into him and try to relax, but you can't. The stress of the situation is sitting heavily on your shoulders. You take a step backwards out of his embrace and shake your head.
"I gotta go for a bit. I'll be back... sometime" you say, grabbing your bag as you head out of your bedroom door. You hear dean call your name but keep walking. You walk by Sam's room and head nothing, Cas is no longer in the library. You walk out of the bunker and continue on down the road. Thoughts swirling in your head. Suddenly a car pulls up beside you and stops, the passenger side door opens and you bend to see the driver.
"Hello, y/n." Gabriel grins from the drivers seat. He pats the passenger seat to invite you in. "We've gotta talk."

Listen, I know this isn't what you were expecting but I just don't like the idea of the character hating one of the boys forever after this. Sooooo enter Gabe. Let me know if you want me to continue this or scrap it and do a different one.
Also, do you want a copy with the reader picking Sam?

Also, y'all already know this but requests are always open!

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