Dont Tell Dean - Part 3 (NS)

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You wake up to a thud. You lift your head slowly and see that you are still in Sam's bed, tucked under his arm. You must have fallen asleep after round 2 last night. You rub a hand over our face and try to figure out what to do when you hear another thud, this time it shakes the bed. You slowly turn to see Dean, standing at the end of Sam's bed, nostrils flaring in anger. You poke Sam in the ribs hard enough to wake him. He startles awake and shoots up to a sitting position as soon as he sees Dean.
"What. The. Fuck." Dean mutters through clenched teeth.
"We fell asleep watching a movie, man, relax." Sam says, smoothly, trying to steer Dean away from the truth.
"Oh yeah?" Deans says confrontationally "well if that's all it was, then stand up, Y/N."  you freeze on the spot, knowing that beneath the blanket you are wearing nothing more than Sam's tshirt and your underwear.
"Dean.." you begin
"I'm gonna fuckin kill you." He says, pointing a finger at Sam. He charges towards him and Sam flies out of bed, holding his hands up in front of him. Dean takes in Sam's attire of a pair of boxer shorts and one sock and clenches his fists. "Just watching a movie, huh?" He asks
"Dean don't start." Sam says slowly, backing up towards the wall. "You know you haven't been innocent. What were YOU doing last night." As Sam speaks, anger flares up in your chest. You stand up on the mattress and point at Dean.
"Yeah, what were YOU doing?" Dean rolls his eyes and holds up a finger.
"I'll deal with you in a second, Y/N. This is brother stuff." He takes another step towards Sam and you jump down from the bed, situating yourself between them. You place a hand on Deans chest.
"No. Me and you are going to talk. Now." You see deans eyes soften slightly as they stare back at you, but then they snap back up to Sam and any softness Is replaced with fury.
"This is not over." He points at Sam again. "You touched my girl. And you're going to pay." You grab Deans hand and lead him out of the bedroom before Sam can say anything. You lead him to your bedroom and close the door behind you. You search the floor for a pair of pants and, after finding some, slide them over your hips and turn to stare Dean down. He is now sitting on your bed, staring at you with a mix of anger and sadness in his eyes.
"So." You start
"I can't believe you did this to me, y/n. I thought... I don't know what I thought.. I didn't think you were like this." He shakes his head softly and anger rushes through you again.
"And I didn't think you were the type to hook up with bartenders behind my back but here we are." Deans eyes flick up and he looks confused for a second.
"Bartenders?" He opens his mouth to say more and you stop him.
"Sam told me all about it." You explain, deans eyes fill with understanding and he nods.
"Of course he did." He stands up and puts a hand on your shoulder "Sam lied to you." You raise an eyebrow and chuckle.
"Yeah okay." You say "explain the lipstick on your mouth last night then."
"I tried to last night! But you were so pissed you wouldn't listen! Now I know why..." he trails off. "There's this old lady, Rose. We helped her with a vengeful spirit a couple years back. Ladies husband was a creep, abused her almost their whole marriage. So she poisoned his roast beef. He came back to get her for it though." You raise an eyebrow.
"What does this have to do with lipstick on your mouth?" You ask, crossing your arms.
"She always.. liked me. Pretty sure she tried to roofie me with lemonade when we were done dealing with the husband. Anyway, she was at the bar last night. Saw me and practically lunges from across the room. It was her lipstick. Not a bartenders." He looks so sincere. You feel yourself start to soften. His eyes find yours and he stares hard into them. "I would never cheat on you, y/n. I've known for a while that Sam had a thing for you. I just never thought he'd go so far as to lie about me cheating to get what he wanted." He rubs his hand over his face and looks at you, waiting for an answer. You blink a couple times, registering this new information.
"I... don't know who to believe..." you say quietly. Dean nods
"Well. That's not exactly the response I was goin for... but I get it. He got into your head. Just, think it over. Okay. Try to remember a time when I've ever lied to you. I'll bet you can't." Dean leans over to place a quick kiss on your forehead and walks out of the room. Almost immediately you hear him and Sam yelling at each other. You almost want to step in, but you know there's no point until you've made up your mind. Who is telling you the truth? Could it be possible that Sam lied just to get you? You sit on your bed and rest your head in your hands. You need to decide, and fast, before those two either kill each other or destroy the bunker.

Readers choice!
A. Believe Dean
B. Believe Sam
C. Other suggestions

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