What the fluff? - Dean x Reader: Part One (NS)

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You woke up to the sound of the bunker door slamming. You sit up in bed and rub your eyes, leaning over to check the time on your phone. It read 07:30, pretty early for whoever's leaving at this time, even Sam usually only leaves for his daily run at about 9 or 10. You check if either of the boys have texted you and find nothing. You shrug it off, knowing that if it's serious they will eventually grow a brain and let you know what's up. You slide out of bed and throw some socks on, the bunker floors are cold and your feet run freezing to begin with. You pass Sam's open door and see his bed made and bag gone. You pad into the kitchen, passing Deans ever-closed door on the way. You figure he's probably with Sam so no need to check anyway. You walk over to the stereo in the kitchen and turn it on, it is connected to your phone with Bluetooth so it starts up with your music. You blast the volume and dance-walk your way over to the fridge. You open the door and grab the eggs, grabbing a frying pan off the counter as you pass it. You throw the pan on the stove and turn on the heat, as you crack the eggs into the pan you start singing along to the song.
"I've got the biggest! BALLS OF THEM ALL!" You scream-sing into the spatula you are holding in your left hand. You spin around to start your air guitar solo and see a boxer-clad Dean smirking at you from where he leans against the door.
"The biggest balls of them all eh?" He laughs. You pull a butch face at him and press pause on your phone, stopping the music.
"I didn't know you were home." You say, turning back to your eggs.
"I'm glad you thought that, I think this is my new favourite way to wake up." He moves from the wall to the table and sits down, his eyes never leaving you. You suddenly regret the combination of clothes you threw together; an old kiss t-shirt that used to be your dads, your old volleyball shorts and thick, thermal socks that you stole out of your brothers ruck sack the last time he came home from base. You focus on cooking your eggs but you can feel Deans eyes on you, scanning over your body.
"Where's Sam?" You ask.
"Went to the library, said he couldn't sleep or something. Don't know, don't care." Dean replies, getting up from his seat. He walks over to you and you stiffen as his chest rubs against your back. You open your mouth to say something when Deans voice flows into your left ear, low and slow. "Just grabbing a coffee cup, Y/N, don't be so skittish." He grins and grabs a mug off the shelf above your head. You nod and then shake your head
"I'm not skittish, just didn't want you rubbing your morning wood against me." You joke. You relax, thinking Dean has moved on to making his coffee when suddenly his hot breath is back in your ear
"Don't kid yourself, Y/N. if I wanted to do anything involving my wood and you, we'd be on the table, not eating off it." He snickers and walks off to make his coffee. A chill runs down your spine as his words filter through your head. Dean drove you crazy, there was no questioning that. Always walking around with that smirk and washing his car shirtless. It was like he knew you wanted him. You finish cooking you eggs and slide them onto a plate, you grab a fork and brush past Dean as you make your way to the table. You sit cross legged on the chair and dig into your eggs. You get up again and head to the fridge to grab the sriracha but dean meet your there. He opens the fridge door and hold it open, the ever-present smirk still on his face. You give him a look and reach into the fridge for the bottle. Once you have it you turn to leave and Dean manifests in front of you, he takes a step forward, pushing your back against the fridge. He leans in, his lips almost touching yours, your breath catches in your throat and you stare into his eyes, glinting with humour. You open your mouth to say something just as he pulls away, hug of milk in hand. He grins at you and holds it up
"Was just grabbing the milk, toots." He laughs and turns back to his coffee. You shake your head, trying to get your breathing to regulate and head back to your eggs, you squeeze some hot sauce over them and resume eating. Dean finishes making his coffee and head over to the table, he sits across from you and slurps his coffee loudly, never taking his eyes off you. You try to ignore him as you eat, but finally you look him in the eye, narrow yours and bark
"What do you need?" Deans smirk grows and he raises an eyebrow
"Oh I can think of a few things." You shake your head and roll your eyes, turning your attention back to your food.
"Dork." You say and dean laughs. You finish off your eggs as Dean continues to drink his coffee, you put your plate in the sink and walk off towards your bedroom to get dressed. You close the door and strip off your shirt, staring into your bag for another. You decide on a black tank top and pull it out, you dig through the bag trying to find a clean pair of jeans to go with it as you hear your door open. You look over your shoulder and see Dean, smirk gone, his eyes are dark but still have that glint to them. You turn back to your bag
"Dean I'm changing. Get out" Dean makes no moves to leave the doorway, instead he takes a few steps forward and closes the door behind him. You turn around defensively and narrow your eyes, but your heart is beating out of your chest. "Get. Out." You repeat.
"You don't want me to do that." He says seriously, taking another step towards you. You can feel your skin prickle as his body moves in front of you. You try to keep your composure and you glare at him.
"Yes i do." You state, but it has no effect. Dean saunters up to you, his face just inches from yours, his chest moving up and down against yours. He tilts his head down and holds his mouth just away from yours, lips almost touching but not quite. You hold your breath as you wait for him to lean in all the way. Seconds tick by, feeling like years. Finally he leans in, pressing his lips against yours softly. You try to lean into it but as you do, Dean takes a step back, turns and leaves the room. He says nothing as he shuts the door. You stand agape, wondering what the hell just happened, going Over the scene in your mind. You rub your hand over your face and shake your head.
"What the fuck?" You speak aloud.

Let's try another reader's choice.
Vote for what you want the next part to be.
A. Run after Dean
B. Stay in your room and wait it out
C. Interrogate Sam
D. Fuck this story! I want Sam Smut!
E. Fuck this story! I want Cas smut!
F. I'm choosing to be unhelpful and suggest nothing!

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