Chapter 4

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Every time I start a new chapter I forget what happened last chapter.

So I have to read my own story again. Multiple times.

Also, these {} brackets mean a character's thoughts.


3rd person

As a strained silence fell upon the clearing, Yang burst into tears. Ruby rushed to her side in an attempt to comfort her.

Y/N: What? Honesty hurts? If you want even a chance at forgiveness, you'll have to try a lot harder than that.

Y/N blinks away to who knows where.

Everyone sullenly starts the road back to Beacon.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N trying to repair the 4th wall...

At the ceremony, Y/N sits in the corner, trying to avoid attention. However, the intermittent gazes from his former family still irked him.

Ozpin: Would Mr. Y/N L/N please come up to the stage?

The bloody bastard.

Y/N sighs and starts muttering to himself.

Ozpin: Now, Mr Y/N here retrieved both king pieces. He will be assigned to Beacon's first one-man team, Team BLNK, for Blank.

As Y/N finally shows his face in the light, many of the girls in the audience begin muttering and blushing.

As Y/N walks off the stage, Ozpin taps him on the shoulder and whispers.

Ozpin: Since we don't have a spare dorm, you'll be bunking with team RWBY. Sorry.

Y/N freezes for a split second, but nods and walks off.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Blake cosplaying as Catwoman...

Y/N knocks on the RWBY dorm while sighing. Weiss opens the door, with a slight blush on her face. 

Weiss: Y-Y/N? Why are you here?

Y/N: Ozpin said I have to bunk with you guys.

Weiss: O-oh. Alright, come in.

She turns around, feeling her face reddening and heating up.

Weiss: {Am I falling for him already? It's been less than a day!}

As Y/N sets down his luggage next to the wall, he rolls out a blanket on the carpet.

Blake: Are you really just going to sleep there?

Y/N: Don't worry, I'm used to it.

He leans against the wall and pulls his fingerless gloves off, revealing a scar on the back of his left hand. He then takes out a book from his bag, which was noticed by Blake, who was curled up in the corner. She desperately tried in vain to make out the book title.

Y/N picks this up.

Y/N: An old keepsake from my...

He drifted off, a tinge of regret and sadness in his eyes.

Blake: It's ok. You don't have to tell me.

Y/N put his book away, his desire to read gone. He just leaned against the wall.

As Ruby and Yang opened the door, they gaped at Y/N.

Y/N: Ozpin told me to bunk here. I had no choice.

The two girls silently settled in, and Y/N turned in for the night.


Blake woke in the middle of the night.

Yet another nightmare about the white fang. She was done with them. She was done.

Yet the memories still haunt her.

They've been receding recently, so that's a silver lining.

Blake looked around, noticing that Y/N's place was empty.

The window slid open silently, and Y/N hopped in soundlessly.

Blake opened her eyes wide.

Y/N put his index finger in front of his mouth.

Y/N: Shh.



Finally doing shorter chapters and more frequent updates. If you could call it that.

The harem/romance part is gonna start soon.

I'm not great with action scenes, don't expect much in the next chapter lol

Point out any grammar mistakes. Grammarly without premium is a load of batshit for me.


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