Chapter 12

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Shit, this story is kinda blowing up. IDK how many more reads there has been.

Thanks for reading and voting.

IMPORTANT: I've removed the mature thing, because it apparently reduces reader count significantly. I've put mature and sexualcontent in tags, so don't freak out. There's a warning in description as well, so we should be good.

Moving on...


Y/N's PoV

I wake up again, Weiss snuggled up next to me again. Her body heat felt nice, and her hair was down, splayed on the bed.

Blake, who was sitting on her bed and reading. She grinned at me. Riiight. It was her turn now.

Me and Weiss stay like this until she groggily opens her eyes.

Me: Morning, snowflake.

She yawns and closes her eyes again. I give Blake a pleading look, and she nods in understanding.

Timeskip brought to you by Author-kun being murdered by assignments...(Fuck high school, assignments are fat pieces of shit. They'll be done by next week tho. More uploads!)


Y/N: What do you want to do today?

Blake shrugged, nose still in book.

Y/N: Well, guess we've figured that out.

He goes up to Blake's shelf, poking around. Blake's head snaps onto this.

Blake: Just... don't go to my s-smut collection, okay? Don't...

Y/N just chuckles evilly. Blake whimpers and hugs her knees.

Y/N: I'm kidding. Besides, you look really cute when you do that.

The two proceed in the day, doing little else other than cuddling and reading.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N cooking Shougeki no Souma style...

Ruby drags Y/N into the shop, the latter complaining under his breath. The store was going to be empty pretty soon. After all, this was a cookie store. Girls are kinda infamous for buying lots of unnecessary stuff, but this is Ruby we're talking about. Y/N's bank account was gonna be empty pretty soon.

Ruby: You're paying! No 'but's!

Y/N: If you girls keep doing this, I'll be broke within a week...

He rolls his eyes, and Ruby pouts. She dashes off into the dedicated cookie shop, eyes glittering.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N constructing his mancave...

3rd Person

Ruby barges into her dorm, with Y/N following behind. He had a giant bag slung over his shoulder, and a much lighter wallet. He sets the bag on Ruby's bed, feigning tiredness.

Y/N: If I didn't have my connections I would already be broke. Like, in heavy debt.

Ruby: Aww, come on. I didn't buy that much.

Y/N: You would call over 800 cookies not that much? How are you not obese yet?

Ruby just scratches the back of her head and smiles sheepishly.

Ruby: It's become a habit for me...

Y/N sighs in desperation.

Y/N: Who likes mint flavoured cookies anyway? I know that there's mint ice cream and all, but cookies... whose fucking idea was that?

Penance (RWBY x Abused Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora