Chapter 7

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Another chapter guys!

I'll be updating my R6 and Watch Dogs fanfic occasionally.

Watch Dogs first chapter is out.

Plz don't kill me for not updating. I'm busy with shit like assignments.

Anyway, enjoy.


3rd person PoV

As Y/N walks back to base with Pyrrha in tow, he smiles.

Y/N: You know, Pyrrha. You shouldn't be so gullible.

Pyrrha: Huh? What do you mean?

Y/N: I wasn't out there for an hour. I didn't kill 400 Grimm.

Pyrrha facepalmed. It sounded a little sketchy in the first place.

Y/N: I was there for an hour and a half and kill more than 700 Grimm.

Pyrrha: I... I don't believe you.

Y/N just laughs.

Y/N: I don't expect you to.

Saying this, he snaps his fingers, and a massive pile of yellow crystals fall out of a gap in spacetime.

Pyrrha looks confused.

Pyrrha: What are these?

Y/N: Every Grimm has a crystal like this inside of them. If you pull it out of their body before it dissolves, it stays here.

Pyrrha: These... were all from tonight?

Y/N nodded.

Y/N: You can't really do much with them. I also figured that someone like you would question whether I actually did kill as many as I claimed to.

He says this as he gets a decaf mocha from the coffee machine in the mess hall.

Pyrrha just nodded, even more impressed than before. He killed the Grimm AND harvested these things?

Y/N puts the crystals away into spacetime, snapping Pyrrha out of her thoughts.

Y/N then proceeds to add in sweeteners and dumps whipped cream on top.

Y/N: You want one, Pyrrha?

Pyrrha: I don't drink caffeine.

Y/N: This thing's only like 20% coffee. The rest is hot chocolate. Besides, it's decaf.

Pyrrha: Well... I don't really like sugary things that much. Too much energy-

Y/N: I'm using sweetners with no energy. The only energy here is in the milk and cream, not that there's much of it in the first place. Besides, I find that a warm drink before bed helps me sleep.

Pyrrha ran out of arguments. She hesitantly agreed.

Y/N smiles as he makes a drink for Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Where did you learn how to do this stuff?

Y/N: I'm self-taught. Experimented until I found the right combination.

He slides the glass cup across the bench, but not before sticking in a strawberry wafer. The liquid was also pink-coloured.

Pyrrha: How did you know I liked strawberry.

Y/N: It really wasn't that hard to figure out. Whenever there was a choice of flavours you would always pick strawberry.

He looks back to see Pyrrha, who had already slurped up a third of her cup.

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