02 | I'll do me, you do you

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first of all, you're absolutely freakin beautiful. and this goes for everything about you – to your writing, your personality, and your goRGEOUS face (-; you're always radiating off some crazy positive vibes whenever we talk bc I'm always myself smiling like an idiot even when I'm not in the best of moods. that said, you're made to spread your love and happiness to those around you, and I hope that you never let anyone dull that spark in you. love you vai!

"WHAT WAS THAT all about?" Avisa asked, slowly standing up from the bench as I approached her

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"WHAT WAS THAT all about?" Avisa asked, slowly standing up from the bench as I approached her.

"Nothing." I waved off, before linking my arm with hers as we made our way down the main road, my feet following the railroad tracks embedded in the ground without the trolley in sight, while Avisa kept relatively close.

"Okay, so mom said she made reservations for two at Ballerini's at 6:30." She paused to check the watch on her wrist. "Which is in 5 minutes so we better fast walk if we're gonna make it there in time."

Avisa started to quicken her pace while I loosely trailed after her, outwardly groaning in the process. "I don't get why I couldn't have just made the dinner at my place so that my lazy ass could stay home and just watch some Netflix or something."

"You don't even cook, Jin. You bake. There's a difference."

"So what? I have cake for dinner all the time," I attempted to reason.

She side-eyed me, before flipping a strand of her brown hair that had gotten in her way, back over her shoulder. "Besides," she started, "mom says the guy's a bit old school. He likes taking his dates out to fancy dinners and getting to know a person through face-to-face conversations."

"I do too, Soo, and you know that. I'm just saying that it doesn't always have to be so structured and pristine. I want a guy that I'll feel comfortable with me even in sweatpants. So I might as well give him that image from the get-go."

Avisa sighed, running her free hand down her face. "I know, Jin. Just try your best to be civilized for once. For mom."

She sent me a small encouraging smile, like she was saying pretty please?, which was totally unfair because she knew how I got when she flashed her pearly whites and big, honey eyes at me - one of the only things in my life that always got me saying yes a billion times over, other than a Sunday morning in. In short, the blind dates I've had were nothing compared to Avisa's charm.

I groaned again, this time inwardly because I knew how she felt about me making inappropriately loud noises in public. "Fine," I mumbled, instantly receiving a squeeze of a shoulder from Avisa's hand that managed to escape our arm link and wrap around me instead.

"Thank you, Jin."

"Yeah, yeah." I teasingly rolled my eyes, stopping dead in my tracks as soon as they halted on the restaurant's glowing sign that was propped five feet away from me.

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